Comparative Politics and Government
Every day governments and political systems impact our lives, shaping political economy, culture, conflict, legal rights, public policy and more. From constitutions to executives to parliaments to parties to electoral laws - at DPIR we rigorously examine the processes and relationships responsible for stability and change on a global, national, and local level.

The Oxford Politics and Government Network brings together political scientists from the Department and the wider Oxford community. It is the largest Research Network hosted in DPIR.
The Network includes scholars of political institutions, democratisation and regime change, comparative political economy, democratic representation, state formation, political violence and civil war, political development, as well as the study of identity, political attitudes, and electoral behaviour. The expertise of network members spans all regions of the world, and their research is representative of the methodological diversity of the field. At any one time, the Network includes about 100 DPhil students working in the DPIR, and a number of post-docs, some of whom are employed on large research grants held by Network members.
Research highlights & impact
Research highlights & impact