
Neil Ketchley

Professor of Politics, DPIR
Fellow, St Antony’s College
Government and Politics Network
St Antony's College
Office address
Room 146, Manor Road Building, Manor Road, OX1 3UQ.

I am Professor of Politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations and Fellow of St Antony's College. I am also a member of the Middle East Centre.

My research focuses on social movements and collective protest in the Arabic-speaking Middle East and North Africa. Methodologically, I am interested in questions of measurement and in exploring creative ways to generate eventful, spatial, and textual data, particularly through Arabic-language sources.

My book, Egypt in a Time of Revolution, won the Charles Tilly Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Award. Results of my research have appeared in journals such as the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, and Political Analysis.

I am currently completing a book manuscript on the 1919 Egyptian Revolution.



  • Egypt in a Time of Revolution (Cambridge University Press), 2017
    • Charles Tilly 2018 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book Award, American Sociological Association




Other publications & writing