
As Michaelmas Term begins, a welcome from DPIR's new Head of Department Professor David Doyle

The Department of Politics and International Relations is delighted to welcome its new Head of Department: David Doyle, Professor of Politics.

Professor David Doyle has begun in post as the new Head of the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford, taking over from Joint Heads Nick Owen and Professor Petra Schleiter, who served the Department jointly for four years. Professor Doyle will be in post for a period of three years. He has held the Director of Research position within the DPIR Academics team for the past three years and is also a Fellow of St Hugh’s College and Director of the Latin American Centre in Oxford.

His research focuses on comparative politics and comparative political economy and he is the editor of the Journal of Latin American Studies. His research has appeared in journals such as the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, the British Journal of Political Science and Comparative Political Studies, among others.

We asked Professor Doyle a series of questions as he settles into his new role:

DPIR: Welcome to DPIR as our new Head of Department - can you tell us a little about your background - what was the path you took to get to where you are today?

Professor Doyle: I have now been at Oxford for the last eleven years. Eleven fantastic years. I came from Dublin City University - in Ireland - where I had my first academic position as an Assistant Lecturer. 

DPIR: What have been the biggest challenges you've had to overcome?

Professor Doyle: Academic careers aren’t always easy. For me, it has been hugely rewarding but there have times when things have been tough - finishing my dissertation and worrying about the end of my funding, for example, or moving to Oxford with two very young children and trying to adjust to a new job and to figure out the Oxford system!

DPIR: What excites you the most about this role over the next four years?

Professor Doyle: The DPIR is a wonderful department, with fantastic colleagues and incredible students. I am looking forward to working with all our colleagues in the Department to help everyone achieve their full potential.

DPIR: What one thing would you like to achieve/have impact in this DPIR Head of Department role?

Professor Doyle: I would like everyone in the Department to feel united in our goal of ensuring the DPIR remains one of the best political science departments in the world - producing world-class research and attracting the very best students. 

DPIR: As we look forward to a new academic year, what would your message be to students and staff within DPIR at Oxford?

Professor Doyle: To have a wonderful academic year and to appreciate the incredible intellectual environment that we are all privileged to be part of. We have a fantastic Department and by all working together, I believe we can make it even better. 

DPIR: How do you think we make DPIR a great place to learn, teach and work – what are the key factors we can all bring to working here? 

Professor Doyle: To inculcate a sense of collegiality, a sense of all working towards the same goal, intellectual curiosity, robust debate but respect for different opinions and a willingness to consider new ideas.