Guadalupe Chavez
Research Topic:
I am a DPhil (PhD) student in Politics at the DPIR and a current predoctoral visiting fellow at the Center for US-Mexican Studies at the University of California, San Diego.
Broadly, I am interested in the politics of migration in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). More specifically, I am interested in understanding how national governments across LAC manage different forms of migration (immigration, in-transit migration, forced migration, and return migration), what factors shape their management strategies, what explains variation across national governments in the region, and how such management strategies shape the lives of migrant communities.
What do national governments that are dependent on emigration do when an influx of its citizens abruptly return as a result of restrictive immigration policies and economic rescission in host countries? My DPhil project traces how the Mexican national government managed the influx of voluntary and involuntary return migration from the United States (1920-2018). I explore why Mexico shifted its strategies for managing the return of its citizens over time and its political implications. Given the proliferation of deportations carried out by western and non-western states, my DPhil project aims to address how countries of origin address return migration and theorise the rationale behind their management preferences and/or lack thereof.
My previous research and collaborative projects have been funded by the US Department of State, Open Society Foundations, and the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Conacyt). Before joining the DPIR, I was the editorial assistant for the International Migration Review and Journal on Migration and Human Security. I also have experience working in the US Senate and the US House of Representatives, and in the non-profit sector. I received my MA in politics from the New School for Social Research.
My research interests include:
International migration
Qualitative methods
Comparative politics
Social movements
Introduction to the Practice of Politics
Comparative Government

- 2022 "Return migrants from the United States to Mexico: Constructing alternative notions of citizenship through acts (linguistic) citizenship" with Monica Jacobo and Colette Despange. Journal of Language and Politics.
- 2019 "Mobilization beyond deportation: An Interview with Yolanda Varona founder of DREAMer Moms Tijuana/USA AC." Latino Studies. 17(4): 1-8.
Other Publications
Policy Reports
- 2021 “Toward a Retorno Digno: Recommendations for a Holistic Public Policy of Return to Mexico City," co-authored with Tyler Kopp, Esmeralda Flores, Jill Anderson, and Maggie Loredo. Otros Dreams en Acción.
- 2021 “Solidarity and Neoliberalism in the Implementation of Mexico’s Refugee, Complementary Protection and Political Asylum Law (2014-2019)" co-authored with Alexander Voisine in Dignity in Movement: Borders, Bodies, and Rights.
Book Reviews
- 2021 Deporting Black Britons: Portraits of Deportation to Jamaica by Luke de Noronha (Manchester University Press, 2020). Border Criminologies
Essays in Blogs
- 2021 “Undoing Trump-Era Policies is Not Enough to Transform the Immigration System,” North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
- 2020 "Biden, Lopez Obrador and the Politics of Migration: A Return to the Status Quo"? OxPol Blog
- 2019 "After the American Dream: How Mexico Responds to U.S Deportations," Public Seminar
- Podcast, The Aftermath of Forced Return, The Migration Oxford Podcast