
Viviana Baraybar Hidalgo

Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College

Research Topic:

Political wrongdoing, political behaviour, corruption.
Nuffield College
DPhil Politics

I am a DPhil student in Politics at the Department of Politics and International Relations and a member of Nuffield College; I am also a Clarendon Scholar. I work on topics related to political behavior with a focus on corruption, and my dissertation broadly tackles the question of why people simultaneously condemn and engage in corruption.

Before starting my DPhil I completed the MPhil in Comparative Government in the same Department with a distinction on my dissertation. Previous to that I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Political Science at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Peru, graduating first of my class with a distinction in my dissertation. Part of my undergraduate dissertations published in a co-authored article in Studies in Comparative International Development. 

I’ve co-authored a book forthcoming with Cambridge University Press, articles in Studies in Comparative International DevelopmentLatin American Perspectives, Colombia International and Taiwan Journal of democracy, as well as chapters in volumes published by Cambridge University Press and Pittsburgh University Press.