International Relations
Oxford's traditional concern with international and global order is now combined with institutionalist analysis of governance and international political economy. We offer extensive opportunities for the study of diverse regions of the world. The study of political ideas and of IR theory beyond the West and globally is an expanding research theme.

Our vibrant International Relations Network brings together academics, students and visitors from the Department and the wider Oxford community working in the area of politics and international studies.
The network holds regular seminars and discussions looking at all aspects of international affairs.
Research highlights & impact
Research highlights & impact
The department runs a variety of projects funded by different organisations to investigate topics as diverse as India-Africa relations and the politics of migration. Some of our important current projects are listed here.
Explore our connections
Explore our connections
Our network members benefit from and participate in a number of other Oxford centres, networks and groups, working in the related fields of international studies, peace, war and ethics.