Ho Ting Hung
Zenobia Chan (Prize Research Fellow in Politics at Nuffield College and Assistant Professor of Government at Georgetown University)
Bosco is an MPhil Candidate in International Relations at the University of Oxford (St Anne’s College). He graduated with a BSc in Politics and International Relations (first class honours) from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where he wrote his dissertation on China's cyber sovereignty and AI governance visions using a machine learning approach. He is a Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES) scholar and was a Digital Sherlock Scholar at the NATO Atlantic Council Digital Forensic Research Lab.
Besides having co-founded a think tank Protopia Group, he has held research positions at numerous academic associations and geopolitical consultancies, such as the International Team for the Study of Security Verona, the Nicholas Spykman International Center for Geopolitical Analysis, the Global Studies Institute in Hong Kong, and London Politica. He has been interviewed by France 24, Al Jazeera, and Asharq News to provide geopolitical analyses of China’s political economy, North Korea, and global politics.
At Oxford, he co-founded the Oxford Computational Political Science Group, a non-partisan research initiative dedicated to advancing the study and application of computational methods in political science and supported by the Department of Politics and International Relations. He is also working as a Graduate Research Assistant at the European Studies Centre (St Antony’s College) on a project focusing on the mutual perceptions and relations between China, the US, and other major countries with Europe, a Theme Section Editor at St. Antony's International Review (STAIR), a Research Associate at the Future Impact Group (Oxford Group on AI Policy), and a Fellow at the Oxford China Policy Lab.
During his time at LSE, he served as the President of LSE's international affairs magazine The London Globalist and the Research Director of LSE Undergraduate Political Review, where he organised an international research conference and is now sitting on the board of directors to advise its operation. He also represented LSE to present his research on information operations at the Posters in Parliament.
- India Conference at Harvard Policy Hackathon 2025 - Finalist (2025)
- Center for International Relations - International Affairs Forum Student Writing Competition - Winner (2023)
- The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the UK and the Peaceful Unification Advisory Council - The 3rd University Student Peace in Korea Essay Competition – Hope Prize (2022)
Research Interests
- Sino-US relations
- Chinese politics
- North Korea
- Computational social science
- Emerging technology
Information warfare
- Cantonese (Native)
- English (Fluent)
- Mandarin (Fluent)
- French (Elementary)
- Korean (Beginner)

Research Publications and Reports
- Hung, H. T. (2025). Exploring China’s cyber sovereignty concept and artificial intelligence governance model: a machine learning approach. Journal of Computational Social Science, 8, Article 25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42001-024-00346-8
- Hung, H. T. (2025). Multilateral cooperation in building critical infrastructure security and resilience: case of American deterrence of Chinese cyberthreats. Journal of Cyber Policy. https://doi.org/10.1080/23738871.2024.2443421
- Hung, H. T. (2024). Country Report: France. In M. Groppi, I. Senfter & S. M. Girón (Eds.), The Rise of the Far-Right in Europe: Mapping Groups, Narratives, and Trends in Europe’s Far-Right Landscape (pp. 15-26). ITSS Verona. https://www.itssverona.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Far-Right-Final.pdf
- Lam, M. H. A., & Hung, H. T. (2024). Comparative Analysis of the Undergraduate Political Science Research Methodology Course Syllabi among Hong Kong Universities. Journal of Political Science Education, 20(4), 1-30. https://doi.org/10.1080/15512169.2024.2306325
- Hung, H. T. (2022). Keep your eyes on China’s Metaverse: Another Tool for Maintaining its National Security. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 5(2), 1-31. https://doi.org/10.21810/jicw.v5i2.4340
Hung, H. T. (2022). Distorting Your Perception of Russia’s Aggression: How can We Combat Information Warfare? Connections: The Quarterly Journal, 21(3), 37-61. https://doi.org/10.11610/Connections.21.3.05
Analysis (in English)
- Hung, H. T. (2024, July 15). On the horns of a dilemma, again! China’s uncomfortable position in the Moscow-Pyongyang Cooperation. ITSS Verona. https://www.itssverona.it/on-the-horns-of-a-dilemma-again-chinas-uncomfortable-position-in-the-moscow-pyongyang-cooperation
Hung, H. T. (2023, May 30). Can China Escape the Malacca Dilemma? The National Interest. https://nationalinterest.org/feature/can-china-escape-malacca-dilemma-206505?page=0%2C1
Analysis (in Chinese)
- Hung, H. T. (2024, July 9). The United States and France are facing political chaos. Can the new Labor government take the opportunity to restore Britain's global status? [美法面臨政治亂局,工黨新政府能否藉機重振英國全球地位?]. The News Lens. https://www.thenewslens.com/article/204929
- Hung, H. T. (2023, March 27). Why is French pension reform deadlocked? What mistakes did Macron make? [法國退休金改革為何是死局?馬克龍犯了什麼錯?]. Initium Media. https://theinitium.com/article/20230327-opinion-france-retirement-protest/
- Hung, H. T. (2023, March 23). The Brutal Wagner Group: The Mercenary Who Was Sacrificed by Putin? Can International Sanctions Address Its Rise? [瓦格納集團的兇殘之路:被普丁犧牲的送死傭兵?國際能否制裁打擊?]. UDN. https://global.udn.com/global_vision/story/8663/7050753