Special Responsibilities in World Politics

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Professor Ian Clark (Aberystwyth) with Professor Christian Reus-Smit (European University Institute, Florence).1 Feb 2011, ELAC/CCW Seminar Series

ELAC is an interdisciplinary research programme whose central aim is to determine how law, norms, and institutions can regulate, restrain, prevent, and terminate armed conflict in todays international system.

Contemporary Security Challenges

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Dr Paul Cornish (Chatham House).8 Feb 2011, ELAC/CCW Seminar Series

ELAC is an interdisciplinary research programme whose central aim is to determine how law, norms, and institutions can regulate, restrain, prevent, and terminate armed conflict in todays international system.

Being Humanitarian: Personal Morality and Political Project in Todays Wars

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Dr Hugo Slim (Director of CforC, London and Visiting Fellow, ELAC).14 Feb 2011, An Oxford Humanitarian Group Event

ELAC is an interdisciplinary research programme whose central aim is to determine how law, norms, and institutions can regulate, restrain, prevent, and terminate armed conflict in todays international system.

The Battlefield from Afar: Independently Operating Weapons Systems and their Compatibility with the Laws of Armed Conflict

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Professor Markus Wagner (Miami).15 Feb 2011, ELAC/CCW Seminar Series

ELAC is an interdisciplinary research programme whose central aim is to determine how law, norms, and institutions can regulate, restrain, prevent, and terminate armed conflict in todays international system.

Military Ethics as Professional Ethics: The Limits of the Philosophical Approach

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Professor Martin Cook (US Naval War College).1 March 2011, ELAC/CCW Seminar Series

ELAC is an interdisciplinary research programme whose central aim is to determine how law, norms, and institutions can regulate, restrain, prevent, and terminate armed conflict in todays international system.

Aiding the Peace in Southern Sudan: A Multi-donor Evaluation of Support to Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities in Southern Sudan

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Jon Bennett (Director, Oxford Development Consultants). 7 March 2011, An Oxford Humanitarian Group Event

ELAC is an interdisciplinary research programme whose central aim is to determine how law, norms, and institutions can regulate, restrain, prevent, and terminate armed conflict in todays international system.

Mao Zedong and Charismatic Maoism

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Hardly more than a decade old, the twenty-first century has already been dubbed the Asian Century in recognition of China and India s increasing importance in world affairs. Yet discussions of Asia seem fixated on economic indicators gross national product, per capita income, share of global trade. Makers of Modern Asia "reorients our understanding of contemporary Asia by highlighting the political leaders, not billionaire businessmen, who helped launch the Asian Century.

Provisional acquisition as true acquisition, Kants argument against colonialism

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Alice Walla (University of St Andrews)

This two-day conference took place at the Manor Road Building and Nuffield College, Oxford, on 1-2 October (week one of Michaelmas term). Supported by CSSJ, the conference explored the relevance of Kants critique of colonialism to an appropriate reconstruction of Kants cosmopolitan theory in recent global justice debates.

Convenors: Lea Ypi (with co-organiser Katrin Flikschuh from LSE)

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