Degree, Station & Place: Early Modern England & Representation: Who Stands for Whom? Who Stands for Where?

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Thursday, 12 May, Lincoln College - 17:00-18:15
Paper: Luc Borot (Maison Franaise dOxford)
Chair: Peter Pulzer (All Souls College)
Discussant: Iain McLean (DPIR, Nuffield College)

This series of podcasts represents highlights from the conference entitled Current issues in apportionment and redistricting: international perspectives.

Key note speech: Structural Holes in the Territorial Fabric of the State

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Key note speech: 16.30 - 18:00
Speaker: Professor Saskia Sassen (Columbia University)

Saskia Sassen is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Co-Chair of The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University. Her recent books are Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton University Press 2008) and A Sociology of Globalization (W.W. Norton 2007). She is currently working on When Territory Exits Existing Frameworks (Under contract with Harvard University Press).

Social Status, Social Closure and Civilization: an Essay on the Idea of a Normative Power Europe

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Session Three: 11.45-12.45
Chair: Professor Kalypso Nicoladis (DPIR and St Antony?s College)
Paper: Dr Edward Keene (DPIR and Christ Church), Social Status, Social Closure and Civilization: an Essay on the Idea of a Normative Power Europe

The Centre for International Studies and the Oxford Fulbright Initiative held a workshop on 10th June 2011 to discuss the Role of Status in International Relations.


Status is Cultural: Durkheimian Poles and Weberian Russians Seek Great Power Status

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Session Two: 10.45-11.45
Chair: Professor Andrew Hurrell (DPIR and Balliol College)
Paper: Professor Iver B. Neumann (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs), Status is Cultural: Durkheimian Poles and Weberian Russians Seek Great Power Status

The Centre for International Studies and the Oxford Fulbright Initiative held a workshop on 10th June 2011 to discuss the Role of Status in International Relations.


Managing Rising Powers: The Role of Status Concerns

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Session One: 9.30-10.30
Chair: Professor Yuen Foong Khong (DPIR and Nuffield College)
Paper: Professor Deborah Welch Larson (University of California, Los Angeles), Managing Rising Powers: The Role of Status Concerns

The Centre for International Studies and the Oxford Fulbright Initiative held a workshop on 10th June 2011 to discuss the Role of Status in International Relations.


Nigeria: Economy and Society

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Nigeria: Economy and Society
Chair: JDY Peel. Discussant: Bjorn Beckman

Ruth Watson:
Gavin, Garveyism, and Literary Materialism in Colonial Ibadan

Kathryn Nwajiaku:
The politics of oil and identity in Nigeria: A political economy of ethnic nationalism

Gunilla Andrae:
Organising the Informal Economy: Union power and civil society in Nigeria

AR Mustapha:
Why there is Agrarian Capitalism in Nigeria: The Zimbabwean Farmers in the Nigerian Middlebelt

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