Postgraduate Student and Early Career Panel

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(Chair: Dr James Martel, San Francisco)

Jens Olesen (Oxford) On Derridas Double Reading and the Politics of Deconstruction
Dr Charles Devellennes (Kent) Political Non-Methodology
JanaLee Cherneski (Oxford) Method and (Mis-)Application: Two Readings of Joseph Schumpeter
Dr Philipp von Wussow (Leipzig) Leo Strauss on Cultural and Political Writing


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(Chair: Professor Mark Bevir, Berkeley)

Professor Joshua Foa Dienstag (UCLA): Interpretation, Language and Authority
Dr Lasse Thomassen (London): Aporia: The End of Politics?
Dr James Martel (San Francisco): Hobbes and Spinoza on the Hebrew Republic and the Deconstruction of Sovereignty

This series of podcasts is taken from an interdisciplinary conference convened by Jens Olesen, held on 23 and 24 September 2011 in Seminar room A, Manor Road Building.

Feminist Interpretations

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(Chair: Professor Lois McNay, Oxford)

Dr Elizabeth Frazer (Oxford): Feminism and Interpretivism Revisited
Professor Terrell Carver (Bristol): Feminist Curiosities and Gender Troubles: Power, Politics, Metaphor
Dr Pamela Anderson (Oxford): The Politics of Interpretation in French Feminist Philosophy

This series of podcasts is taken from an interdisciplinary conference convened by Jens Olesen, held on 23 and 24 September 2011 in Seminar room A, Manor Road Building.

Contextualist Approaches

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(Chair: Professor Janet Coleman, LSE/NYU)

Professor Mark Bevir (Berkeley): The Contextual Approach: Then and Now
Professor John G. Gunnell (Albany/UC Davis): Challenging the Received View of Thought and Language: Wittgenstein on Intention, Interpretation, and Context
Dr Michael L. Frazer (Harvard): The Ethics of Interpretation in Political Theory and Intellectual History


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(Chair: Dr Reidar Maliks, Oxford)

Dr Carsten Dutt (Heidelberg): On the Very Concept of Interpretation
Professor Dieter Teichert (Konstanz/Lucerne): Hermeneutics: the Political, Politics, and Political Science
Professor Jean Grondin (Montral): Are There Political Consequences of Hermeneutics? Impromptus on the Modest Political Competence of Philosophy
Professor Paul H. Fry (Yale): Gadamer vs. HirschAre There Consequences?

Ideology Between Method and Meaning: The Gateway to the Political

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Chair: Jens Olesen (Oxford)

10:00 11:00 Welcome and Introduction
Professor Michael Freeden (Oxford) Ideology Between Method and Meaning: The Gateway to the Political

This series of podcasts is taken from an interdisciplinary conference convened by Jens Olesen, held on 23 and 24 September 2011 in Seminar room A, Manor Road Building.

From the Organic to the Arithmetic: New Redistricting/Redistribution Rules for the United Kingdom

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Friday, 13 May, DPIR, 15:15-16:30
Paper:Ron Johnston (University of Bristol)
Chair: John Curtice
Discussant: David Butler

This series of podcasts represents highlights from the conference entitled Current issues in apportionment and redistricting: international perspectives.

AV Referendum

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Friday, 13 May, DPIR, 14:00-15:15
Paper:John Curtice (Strathclyde University)
Chair: Tom Lubbock
Discussant: Steve Fisher (DPIR, Sociology, Trinity College)

This series of podcasts represents highlights from the conference entitled Current issues in apportionment and redistricting: international perspectives.

US Reapportionment and Redistricting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Friday, 13 May, DPIR, 10:45-12:00
Paper:Nigel Bowles (DPIR, Rothermere American Institute)
Chair: Michel Balinksi (cole Polytechnique)
Discussant: David Goldey

This series of podcasts represents highlights from the conference entitled Current issues in apportionment and redistricting: international perspectives.

Referendums in the USA

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Friday, 13 May, DPIR, 9:15-10:30
Paper: Tom Lubbock (Jesus College)
Chair: David Goldey (DPIR, Lincoln College)
Discussant: David Butler (DPIR, Nuffield College)

This series of podcasts represents highlights from the conference entitled Current issues in apportionment and redistricting: international perspectives.

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