Marxism in IR and the challenge of Realism
Speaker: Andrew Davenport
Speaker: Andrew Davenport
Speaker: Robbie Shilliam
Iain King is Governance Advisor to the UK Stabilisation Unit.
This podcast was taken from the Post-Conflict State Building: Practitioners Perspective Seminar Series in Hilary Term 2012, convened by Professor Richard Caplan.
(Chair: Dr Michael L. Frazer, Harvard)
Professor David Weinstein (Wake Forest/Leipzig): Using and Abusing the Canon
Professor James Connelly (Hull): The Biter Bit, The Writer Writ: Some Straussian Ironies
Finally, Professor Stanley Rosen (Boston) delivered his talk on Strausss Hermeneutics via video:
(Chair: Professor James Connelly, Hull)
Professor Al P. Martinich (Texas): Ideal Interpretation of Political Texts
Professor Terence Ball (Arizona): Lincolns Hermeneutics
This series of podcasts is taken from an interdisciplinary conference convened by Jens Olesen, held on 23 and 24 September 2011 in Seminar room A, Manor Road Building.