OxCGRT Seminar Series: Session Eight

Session Eight:

Securitisation Versus Sovereignty? Multi-level Governance, Scientific Objectivation, and the Discourses of the Canadian and American Heads of State During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Presenter: Marjolaine Lamontagne, McGill University
Discussant: Professor Frank Schimmelfennig, ETH Zürich

COVID-19 Lessons for Social Resilience? Notes from Southeast Asia
Presenter: Dr Marina Kaneti, National University of Singapore and Simren Sekhon
Discussant: Dr Hanna-Tina Fischer, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

OxCGRT Seminar Series: Session Seven

Session Seven:

Policy Analysis of the Adoption and Implementation of NPIs to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 in Ghana
Presenter: Dr Hanna-Tina Fischer, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Discussant: Dr Marina Kaneti, National University of Singapore

The Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) is a project that collected information on policy measures to tackle COVID-19 over the years 2020, 2021, and 2022.

OxCGRT Seminar Series: Session Six

Session Six:

Varieties of Crisis Response: COVID-19 Fiscal Policy in the Three Worlds of Welfare
Presenter: Angie Jo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Discussant: Dr Kerim Can Kavakli, Bocconi University

A Matter of Policy Type: Comparing Populist Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Presenter: Dr Marina Schenkel, Trinity College Dublin
Discussant: Marjolaine Lamontagne, McGill University

OxCGRT Seminar Series: Session Five

Session Five:

How Did the COVID Pandemic Response Harm Society? A Global Evaluation and State of Knowledge Review (2020-21)
Presenter: Dr Kevin Bardosh, Collateral Global, University of Edinburgh and University of Washington
Discussant: Dr Yuxi Zhang, University College London

Investigating the Typologies and Timeliness of COVID-19 Social Policy Responses Across Countries
Presenter: Steven Kuan-Ju Chen, Cadmus International UK Ltd/ National Taiwan University
Discussant: Dr Philipp Trein, University of Lausanne

OxCGRT Seminar Series: Session Four

Session Four:

Developing and Synthesising Evidence Regarding the Comparative Effectiveness of Public Health and Social Measures (PHSM) Against COVID-19
Presenter: Dr Francisco Pozo-Martin, Robert Koch Institute
Discussant: Professor Julia Wang, National Taiwan University

Legacies of Authoritarian Government and Civil Society as Norms in Times of Crisis
Presenter: Dr Philipp Trein, University of Lausanne
Discussant: Professor Stella Ladi, Queen Mary University of London

ConspirOX Seminar: "Cosmic Horror, White Supremacy, and the Dark Enlightenment: The Reception and Utilisation of H.P. Lovecraft within the Contemporary Extreme Right."

H.P. Lovecraft is a mainstay in popular culture and among the most widely recognised figures of pulp fiction. Over the last decade, though, Lovecraft’s oeuvre has been at the forefront of a reckoning as readers, writers, and scholars alike increasingly confront the author’s profoundly racist beliefs. Notwithstanding the veracity of such criticism, discussion has been predominantly focused on questions surrounding Lovecraft’s legacy and the degree to which the image of Lovecraft the rabid racist can be disentangled from the contents of his tales.

Poetry & War

Can we use words, poetry and literature to go beyond the bloodless litany of cold statistics and faceless numbers which has become the default way of conveying conflict, war and displacement?

An evening with Charlotte Shevchenko Knight (Cape Poetry), Ivan Krastev (Penguin) & Yousif M. Qasmiyeh (Broken Sleep Books)
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