Day 1 - 2-Day Conference: 'The India-China Dispute: History, Politics and Law'

*Thursday 23 May* – Nissan Lecture Theatre

09:30-11:00 Histories
Chair: Prof. Maria Misra (Oxford University)

India in China's mind, 1945 to the present - Prof. Rana Mitter (Harvard University)
1988: Drawing the Line on History on the Eve of Global Status Games - Prof. Shruti Kapila (Cambridge University)
Lines of Historical Control: Borderlines and the Limits of Claims to Himalayan Borders- Dr. Kyle Gardner (Atlantic Council, Washington DC)

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30-13:00 Geopolitics

Museums Late Night Water World

Twice a year, the Museum of Natural History and Pitt Rivers open after dark, hosting stalls and evening activities. Come face-to-face with specimens and enjoy activities hosted by researchers and collections specialists.

Discover the wonders of fresh water and the communities of organisms that rely on it. Enjoy flash talks, adult crafts, story-telling, soundscapes, and stalls all inspired by Fair Water?, OUMNH's latest exhibition.

You'll also have the chance to browse the museum galleries at night and visit our pop-up bar.

Climate Change and Rural Livelihoods in Ghana: the impacts, adaptations and barriers

Climate change poses considerable threats to socioeconomic development and ecological systems across Africa. This is particularly critical for smallholder farming communities in dryland agroecosystems where climate change interact with non-climatic stressors and shocks to exacerbate the vulnerability of rural livelihoods. Ghana is already suffering from significant climate change impacts and is projected to experience increased temperatures and erratic rainfall patterns in the coming years and decades.

Michael Cashman in conversation

Join Worcester College Provost, David Isaac CBE, as he interviews leading role models about their lives and careers.

Michael Cashman, The Lord Cashman CBE, is an actor, politician and LGBT+ rights activist. Born and raised in the East End of London, Michael had a highly successful career as an actor, singer, writer and director, including three years on Eastenders where his character had the first gay kiss in a British soap. He was a founder of LGBT+ rights charity Stonewall and its inaugural Chair, as well as the Labour Party's LGBT Global Envoy (2014-16).
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