Professor Petra Schleiter
Professor Petra Schleiter is Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Oxford. She leads the University of Oxford’s initiative to establish the Centre for Democratic Resilience, building on over 15 years of senior research and academic leadership experience. With more than 60 publications, Schleiter is a prominent scholar in the field of democratic institutions and institutional reform, party competition, and policy reform. She regularly serves as an expert witness to policy makers and advised the Irish Citizens Assembly in 2018. Her contributions have been recognised by elections to fellowships by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Berlin (2024-25), AxPo (Sciences Po, Paris) (2026), and the Constitution Unit of University College London (2015-present) among others.
Email Petra Schleiter. -
Professor Tarik Abou-Chadi
Professor Tarik Abou-Chadi is Professor of European Politics at the University of Oxford. He is leading the initiative for a Societal Resilience Lab within the Centre for Democratic Resilience. Tarik Abou-Chadi is a leading expert on the rise of the far right and the crisis of mainstream parties in Europe. He co-founded the Progressive Politics Research Network - an initiative to make political science research more accessible for political practitioners and the broader public. His work has been recognized with the inaugural Henrik Enderlein Prize for research excellence in the social sciences awarded by the German and French government.
Measuring and understanding parties' anti-elite strategies (with Hauke Licht, Pablo Barbera, Whitney Hua). Journal of Politics: Forthcoming. Link- Rental Market Risk and Radical Right Support (with Denis Cohen, Thomas Kurer). Comparative Political Studies: Forthcoming. Link
- Democracy Challenged. How Different Party Families Emphasize Different Democratic Principles (with Sarah Engler, Theresa Gessler, Lucas Leemann). Journal of European Public Policy: 30(10): 1961-1983. Link
- Does Accommodation Work? Mainstream Party Strategies and the Success of Radical Right Parties (with Werner Krause, Denis Cohen). Political Science Research and Methods: 11(1): 172-179. Link
- The Centre-Right versus the Radical Right: the Role of Migration Issues and Economic Grievances (with Denis Cohen, Markus Wagner). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 42(2): 366-384. Link
- Economic Risk within the Household and Voting for the Radical Right (with Thomas Kurer). World Politics: 73 (3): 482-511. Link
- The Causal Effect of Radical Right Success on Mainstream Parties' Policy Positions - a Regression Discontinuity Approach (with Werner Krause). British Journal of Political Science: 50 (3): 829-847. Link
- Progressive Politics Research Network: A collaborative effort to make research more accessible to journalists, political practitioners and the wider public. Within PPRNet we have so far published 10 research briefs summarizing cutting-edge research on pressing political topics. https://politicscentre.nuffield.ox.ac.uk/go/pprn
- Podcast series Transformation of European Politics (host and producer). https://open.spotify.com/show/6C1PM71PmBmWKCHKvwCKpA
- Next Left lecture. Foundation for European Progressive Studies. At the European Parliament. Video Link
Email Tarik Abou-Chadi.
Professor Katerina Tertytchnaya
Professor Katerina Tertytchnaya is Associate Professor in Comparative Politics at the University of Oxford. With publications in the discipline’s flagship journals, and over half a million in external research income, Tertytchnaya is a prominent scholar in the field of authoritarian politics. She focuses on the study of political behaviour, protests, and contemporary Russia. Among others, Tertytchnaya’s research has been published in the Washington Post and the New York Times. A UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, she has been interviewed for the BBC World Service, History Hour Podcast and BBC Radio 4
Dr Edward Brooks
Dr Edward Brooks is Director of the Programme for Global Leadership at the Department of Politics and International Relations, Executive Director of the Oxford Character Project, and Co-founder of the Oxford SDG Impact Lab.
His work joins research in leadership studies, virtue ethics, and character development to the design and delivery of leadership programmes at the University of Oxford and institutions around the world. Current projects focus on hope and multilateralism, resilience as a democratic civic virtue, exemplarity in public leadership, the role of AI in leadership development, and the role of universities in leadership development in lower- and middle-income countries.
He has worked extensively with the private sector, heading a £2.6m research project investigating the relationship between culture, character and leadership with a focus on finance, law and technology firms. Brooks has collaborated with a number of United Nations organisations and currently leads the University of Oxford’s collaboration with United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI).
He is an Expert Advisor of the Leadership Excellence in Politics Initiative, an Advisory Board Member of the Civic Humanism Center for Character and Professional Ethics at the University of Navarra, and a Senior Fellow of the Educating Character Initiative at Wake Forest University.
His work has been cited in media outlets such as the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, New Scientist, Brunswick Review, and Starling Insights, and he has been named by global management network Thinkers 50 on their radar list of business and management thought leaders.