
Tarik Abou-Chadi

Professor in European Union and Comparative European Politics
Government and Politics Network
Nuffield College

Tarik Abou-Chadi is Professor in European Union and Comparative European Politics at the Department of Politics and International Relations and Professorial Fellow at Nuffield College. He received his PhD in political science from Humboldt University Berlin in 2015. His research focuses on elections, political parties, and the transformation of political competition and democratic representation in post-industrial societies. Before joining the University of Oxford, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich. His work has been published in the American Political Science Review, World Politics and the Journal of Politics. He is the Principle Investigator of the project “Social Status and the Transformation of Electoral Behavior in Western Europe” which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. He also serves on the diversity committee of the European Political Science Association.


Journal Articles


Abou-Chadi, T. and Kamphorst, J. (2023) “The limits of issue entrepreneurship: How the German Greens failed to win in 2021”, Electoral Studies, 86, p. 102702.
Chadi, T. et al. (2023) “International Studies and Struggles for Inclusion”, International Studies Review, 25(2), p. viad018.
Krause, W., Cohen, D. and Abou-Chadi, T. (2023) “Does accommodation work? Mainstream party strategies and the success of radical right parties”, Political Science Research and Methods, 11(1), pp. 172–179.


Engler, S. et al. (2022) “Democracy challenged: how parties politicize different democratic principles”, Journal of European Public Policy, 30(10), pp. 1961–1983.


Abou-Chadi, T. and Kurer, T. (2021) “Economic Risk within the Household and Voting for the Radical Right”, World Politics, 73(3), pp. 482–511.
Abou-Chadi, T. and Hix, S. (2021) “Brahmin Left versus Merchant Right? Education, class, multiparty competition, and redistribution in Western Europe”., The British journal of sociology, 72(1), pp. 79–92.


ABOU-CHADI, T. and STOETZER, L. (2020) “How Parties React to Voter Transitions”, American Political Science Review, 114(3), pp. 940–945.
Abou-Chadi, T. and Wagner, M. (2020) “Electoral fortunes of social democratic parties: do second dimension positions matter?”, Journal of European Public Policy, 27(2), pp. 246–272.


Abou Chadi, T. (no date) “tst.”


Wagner, M. et al. (no date) “Old Left, New Left, Centrist or Left National? Determinants of support for different social democratic programmatic strategies”, OSF Preprints.
Wagner, M. and Abou-Chadi, T. (no date) “Losing the Middle Ground: The electoral decline of Social Democratic parties since 2000”, OSF Preprints.
Licht, H. et al. (no date) “Measuring and understanding parties’ anti-elite strategies”, OSF Preprints.