Gross National Happiness (GNH)

The presentation will centre around the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) and the development of Gross National Happiness Index in Bhutan using the Alkire-Foster method. The session will feature insights into the latest findings from the 2022 GNH Index, showcasing its pivotal role as a tool for informed policy decisions that prioritize the wellbeing and happiness of the populations of Bhutan. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how the results from the GNH Index are actively shaping Bhutan's national planning and budgeting processes.

Japan’s threat perception during the cold war: any lessons for today?

There is a misconception that during the Cold War the Japanese did not perceive security threats due to the American military protection, Japan’s geographical insularity, and domestic aversion to militarism. In his book (Japan’s Threat Perception during the Cold War: a Psychological Account, Routledge 2023), Oren dispels this, showing how security threats pervaded Japanese strategic thinking in this period.

Economics and National Security

Sandwiches served at 12.40

There is a resurgence in interest in economic statecraft and economic security. This is against a backdrop in which, over the last thirty or so years, economics has been regarded as above and beyond national control and best left untouched by governments; and national security has been lionised for its performance and practice, rather than its impact. What are the connections between the economy and national security, and how might we begin to raise a new generation of security practitioners with the skills to operate in this re-emerging field?
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