Great Power Competition and Disinformation in Africa

Overview: Disinformation in Africa is a growing concern, with Russian disinformation promoting anti-Western sentiment and contributing to a series of coups that have toppled democratically elected governments in recent years. Meanwhile, China is increasingly active in spreading disinformation in the region. The challenge is compounded by recent advancements in AI, which serve to amplify the impact of disinformation. Caroline Baylon will present her research on the disinformation landscape in Africa, including her recent work for the French government and ECOWAS in West Africa.

Intelligence Services and Artificial Intelligence

The Cyber Strategy and Tech Statecraft Group meets every Wednesday during term-time. It has a hybrid meeting format, held in person in the Chester Room at Nuffield College (in person) and on Microsoft Teams (online).

Preparatory materials will be sent in advance of the session, together with discussion questions for the session. Some background knowledge or experience of the topic is recommended but not required.

Terrorism, Prediction, and Emerging Technologies

We are at a dangerous intersection in the counterterrorism (CT) world as it becomes second tier priority against great state competition. The next decade of domestic CT will be defined by the ideological fragmentation of extremists which complicates CT work at the backdrop of exacerbating mental health and criminality overlaps. However, we are also seeing a return of upstream sanctuary-based terrorism with the fall of Afghanistan and ungoverned space in the Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Implications for Artificial Intelligence on Military and Political Decision-Making

The Cyber Strategy and Tech Statecraft Group meets every Wednesday during term-time. It has a hybrid meeting format, held in person in the Chester Room at Nuffield College (in person) and on Microsoft Teams (online).

Preparatory materials will be sent in advance of the session, together with discussion questions for the session. Some background knowledge or experience of the topic is recommended but not required.

Artificial Intelligence, Decision-Making, and the Future of Conflict

Our guest speaker will present the key arguments and implications of his current manuscript, The Price of Certainty. His book offers the first systematic assessment of how AI systems, and the tools they produce, will reshape political and military decision-making. These technologies will offer faster-than-human calculation and handle data volumes that far exceed human cognitive capabilities. As these tools demonstrate their operational advantages, they will definitively reform how we, as humans, think about, understand, and act in the world.

Deepfakes and Disinformation II

The Cyber Strategy and Tech Statecraft Group meets every Wednesday during term-time. It has a hybrid meeting format, held in person in the Chester Room at Nuffield College (in person) and on Microsoft Teams (online).

Preparatory materials will be sent in advance of the session, together with discussion questions for the session. Some background knowledge or experience of the topic is recommended but not required.

Deepfakes and Disinformation I

The Cyber Strategy and Tech Statecraft Group meets every Wednesday during term-time. It has a hybrid meeting format, held in person in the Chester Room at Nuffield College (in person) and on Microsoft Teams (online).

Preparatory materials will be sent in advance of the session, together with discussion questions for the session. Some background knowledge or experience of the topic is recommended but not required.

Technology, Great Power Competition, and Track II Dialogues

The Cyber Strategy and Tech Statecraft Group meets every Wednesday during term-time. It has a hybrid meeting format, held in person in the Chester Room at Nuffield College (in person) and on Microsoft Teams (online).

Preparatory materials will be sent in advance of the session, together with discussion questions for the session. Some background knowledge or experience of the topic is recommended but not required.

Smart Cities, Surveillance, and Human Data

The Cyber Strategy and Tech Statecraft Group meets every Wednesday during term-time. It has a hybrid meeting format, held in person in the Chester Room at Nuffield College (in person) and on Microsoft Teams (online).

Preparatory materials will be sent in advance of the session, together with discussion questions for the session. Some background knowledge or experience of the topic is recommended but not required.
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