
Mihail Chiru

Departmental Lecturer in Politics, DPIR
Tutor, Christ Church College
Government and Politics Network
Christ Church College
Office address
Room 160, Manor Road Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UQ.

Mihail Chiru is a Departmental Lecturer in Politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations and a Tutor at Christ Church College. He received a PhD (awarded Summa Cum Laude) in Comparative Politics from the Central European University.

Before joining DPIR, Mihail was a Departmental Lecturer in East European Politics at Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA). He previously taught at the University of Southampton and at the Central European University and conducted postdoctoral work at UCLouvain (Belgium) and Median Research Centre (Romania).

His current research focuses on two agendas. The first assesses the responses of the European Parliament to the democratic backsliding crises in several EU Member States and whether backsliding has contributed to the consolidation of an East-West cleavage in the EU. The second agenda revolves around the legislative politics and governance of climate-related hazards. It explores the extent to which massive flooding and heat episodes have raised legislators’ issue attention to climate change and analyses the framing competition between actors that are seeking to reform policy regimes or contain such reforms by engaging in climate change attribution scepticism or response scepticism. His work has been published in journals such as Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, Party Politics or European Union Politics.