Stefano Carboni
Research Topic:
Stefano Carboni is a visiting Ph.D researcher at the University of Oxford, Department of Politics and International Relations. His research investigates the theme of the Urban Free Zones (UFZs) and the role of the European Parliament in the Regulation process using quantitative research methods.
He is Ph.D. candidate in Economics, Management & Quantitative Methods at the University of Sassari (Italy), department of Economics and Business studies (DiSea, "Departments of Excellence", recognition received by the Ministry of Higher Education Miur). He teaches in the mater's courses of Geomarketing, Geoeconomics and in the bachelor courses of Environmental Policies and Economic Geography at his department. He joined the Harvard Business School community on 2022, in which he was a speaker on the event "Discussion on Territorial Marketing" on February 2024.
Stefano holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor degree in Economics and Management (University of Sassari). He has been a Ph.D visiting at the Stockholm Business School and at the Skövde School of Business (Sweden) and he entrolled a master's course in Environmental Physics at the KTH, Sweden (Royal Institute of Technology).
His research interests include tax free zones, place branding, sustainability and entrepreneurship, and he uses Qgis, ArcGIS Pro and R software for mapping and spatial analysis.