
Lucas Kello

AB Harvard, MPhil DPhil Oxford

Associate Professor and Departmental Lecturer, DPIR
Director of Studies in Politics, St. Catherine’s College
International Relations Network
Office address
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, Manor Road Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UQ

Lucas Kello is Associate Professor of International Relations in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford. He is the Director of the Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research, a University-wide initiative sponsored by the UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

His research focuses on technology and global affairs, with a special emphasis on the evolving relationship between government and private industry in the development of advanced and disruptive technologies. His first book, The Virtual Weapon and International Order (Yale University Press, 2017), analysed the implications of cyberspace for interstate strategic stability. The book has been translated into Arabic, Korean, and Greek. His second book, Striking Back: The End of Peace in Cyberspace and How to Restore It (Yale University Press, 2022), examined shortcomings in prevailing strategies to prevent or reduce the intensity of cyber conflict and presented a new approach to achieving order in cyberspace. The work was named one of the best new books by the Financial Times and Nature.


  • International security and strategic studies
  • Cybersecurity and cyber conflict
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Space security and governance


Department of Politics and International Relations


International Security and Conflict (PPE/History & Politics) – Co-Convenor

International Relations in the Era of Two World Wars (PPE/History & Politics)

International Relations in the Era of the Cold War (PPE/History & Politics)

International Relations (PPE/History & Politics)


International Relations Core Seminar (MPhil)

Research Design and Methods (DPhil/MPhil)

Thesis Seminar (MPhil)

Thesis Supervision (DPhil/MPhil)

Saïd Business School


Smart Space Elective (MBA) - Co-Convenor

Digital Transformation Elective (MBA)

Cyber Resilience Elective (MBA)

Lucas Kello


Journal Articles


KELLO, L. (2024) “Democracy Marred: The Global Spread of Political Trickery”, Perspectives on Politics [Preprint].


Wheeler, J. et al. (2023) “Space conservation: a plea for urgency”, Astronomy and Geophysics, 64(2), pp. 2.14 – 2.18.
Wheeler, J. et al. (2023) “Space conservation”, ASTRONOMY & GEOPHYSICS, 64(2), pp. 14–18.


KELLO, L. (2021) “Cyber legalism: why it fails and what to do about it”, Journal of Cybersecurity [Preprint].
Kello, L. (2021) “Cyber legalism: why it fails and what to do about it”, Journal of Cybersecurity, 7(1).


Kello, L. and Richard, T. (2014) “Les cyberarmes : dilemmes et futurs possibles”, Politique étrangère, Hiver(4), pp. 139–150.
Kello, L. (2014) “Les cyberarmes : dilemmes et futurs possibles”, Politique étrangère, 79(4).
Kello, L. (2014) “The Virtual Weapon: Dilemmas and Future Scenarios”, Politique étrangère, 79(4).
Kello, L. (2014) “Correspondence: a cyber disagreement”, International Security, 39(2), pp. 181–192.
Kello, L. (2014) “Correspondence A Cyber Disagreement Reply”, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, 39(2), pp. 188–192.


Kello, L. (2013) “The Meaning of the Cyber Revolution: Perils to Theory and Statecraft”, International Security [Preprint].


Kello, L. (2009) “European States Systems: Small-State Consequences”, Akadeemia: War and Peace, 9.



Kello, L. (2022) Striking Back: The End of Peace in Cyberspace - and How to Restore It. Yale University Press, pp. 1–274.


KELLO, L. (2017) The Virtual Weapon and International Order. JSTOR.



Kello, L. (2024) “Digital Diplomacy and Cyber Defence”, in The Oxford Handbook of Digital Diplomacy. Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 121–137.


Kello, L. (2023) “The state in the digital era: Supreme or in decline?”, in Digital International Relations: Technology, Agency and Order, pp. 51–72.
Kello, L. (2023) “The State in the Digital Era”, in Digital International Relations. Taylor & Francis, pp. 51–72.


Kello, L. (2022) “2 CYBER LEGALISM The Limits of Law and Norms”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 45–62.
Kello, L. (2022) “10 CONCLUSION A Partial Restoration of Peace”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 203–210.
Kello, L. (2022) “1 TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Lessons for Our Times”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 21–44.
Kello, L. (2022) “4 RUSSIA AND NEW TECHNOLOGICAL THREATS TO DEMOCRACY”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 75–103.
Kello, L. (2022) “3 CHALLENGER STATES Revisionism in the International System”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 63–74.
Kello, L. (2022) “5 CHINA AND CYBERSPACE The Rising Technological Hegemon”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 104–123.
Kello, L. (2022) “6 THE DIMENSIONS OF CURRENT STRATEGY To Deter or Not to Deter?”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 124–140.
Kello, L. (2022) “9 DATA EMBASSIES AND STATE CONTINUITY The Return of Denial?”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 174–202.
Kello, L. (2022) “8 WHAT KIND OF NATO? Punctuated Deterrence in Practice”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 160–173.
Kello, L. (2022) “INTRODUCTION The Evolving Menace of Technological Aggression”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 1–20.
Kello, L. (2022) “7 PUNCTUATED DETERRENCE How to Strike Back”, in Striking Back. Yale University Press, pp. 141–159.


Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 6. First-Order Cyber Revolution: PRESSURES FROM OUTSIDE THE STATES SYSTEM”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 160–192.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 7. The Deterrence Puzzle: DOCTRINAL PROBLEMS AND REMEDIES”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 195–211.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 8. Russia and Cyberspace: MANIFESTATIONS OF THE REVOLUTION”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 212–228.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 9. Private Sector Active Defense: AN ADEQUATE RESPONSE TO THE SOVEREIGNTY GAP?”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 229–246.
Kello, L. (2019) “Introduction”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 1–20.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 2. The Cyber Curse: COMPLICATIONS OF DEFENSE”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 58–79.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 10. Cyber Futures”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 247–257.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 1. The Quest for Cyber Theory”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 23–57.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 5. Second-Order Cyber Revolution: THE PROBLEM OF THE REVOLUTIONARY STATE”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 143–159.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 4. Third-Order Cyber Revolution: PROBLEMS OF INADVERTENT CONFLICT”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 119–142.
Kello, L. (2019) “CHAPTER 3. Technological Revolution and International Order”, in The Virtual Weapon and International Order. Yale University Press, pp. 80–116.


Kello, L. (2018) “Cyber defence”, in The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces, pp. 658–672.
Kello, L. (2018) “European Cyber Defense”, in H. Meijer and M. Wyss (eds.) The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces. Oxford University Press.
Kello, L. (2018) “Private-Sector Cyberweapons: An Adequate Response to the Sovereignty Gap?”, in H. Lin and A. Zegart (eds.) Bytes, Bombs, and Spies. Brookings Institution Press.


Kello, L. (2017) “Cyber Security: Gridlock and Innovation”, in D. Held and T. Hale (eds.) Beyond Gridlock. Polity Press, pp. 205–228.


Kello, L. (2014) “Security”, in J. Krieger (ed.) The Oxford Companion to International Relations. Oxford University Press.


Kello, L. (2012) “The Advantages of Latitude: Estonia’s post-Communist Success Story”, in Democratization and Security in Central and Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States. Nomos Verlag, pp. 23–54.


Kello, L. (2011) “The advantages of latitude: Estonia’s post-communist success story”, in D. Bosold, P. Drulak, and N. Hynek (eds.) Democratization and Security in Central and Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co, pp. 23–53.


Kello, L. (2008) “Cyber Threats”, in T. Weiss and S. Daws (eds.) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations. OUP Oxford.

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