From the Maidan to Mariupol: Civil Resistance in Ukraine 1990-2024

Since 1990, citizens of Ukraine have used two distinct forms of struggle against Russian domination of their country: first, many episodes of civil resistance including mass demonstrations on the Maidan in Kiev, and then armed defence against Russian invasion and occupation, symbolized by the fight against the siege of Mariupol, now under Russian control. How does civil resistance persist in the occupied territories? What is the connectivity between 1990, 2004, 2014 and 2024? What lessons can be learned about the combination of two approaches?

A Panel Event on the Role of Diplomacy in Combatting Climate Change

Join us and our distinguished speakers for a panel discussion on the role of diplomacy in the global response to stop climate change. You will hear from the FCDO’s Head of Climate Diplomacy, Andrew Francis, on the UK’s strategy on this matter, alongside Oxford’s Prof. Benito Müller and Kaya Axelsson on issues around international climate change negotiations, including the utility of international fora like COP. Attendees will have ample time to engage with speakers in an open Q&A afterwards.

Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik

Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik is a DPhil in Politics candidate at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford. She is the recipient of the DPIR Studentship and is affiliated with St Antony's College. Focusing on legacies of political violence, her research explores how armed groups transform to formal and informal ex-combatant networks. She investigates both the formation of such ties as well as their impact on socio-economic outcomes of ex-combatants.

Oxford Networks for the Environment (ONE) annual lecture: How to survive the Anthropocene: Flat Overshoot, Deep Restoration.

We’re pleased to announce details of this year’s Oxford Networks for the Environment (ONE) annual lecture: How to survive the Anthropocene: Flat Overshoot, Deep Restoration.

The lecture will take place on Wednesday 6 March, 4.00pm to 5.30pm at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History and will be followed by a panel discussion and drinks reception.

Rethinking Europe’s East-West Divide - Network Launch Conference

The two-day conference launches an interdisciplinary network ‘Rethinking Europe’s East-West Divide’ which was awarded UACES funding. The network aims to overcome disciplinary siloes and to fully integrate the study of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) into mainstream European Politics and European Union Studies. The network advances a novel research agenda for studying political processes in CEE and Western Europe together.

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