Farsan Ghassim

Dr. Farsan Ghassim is the Junior Research Fellow in Politics at The Queen’s College, holding a John Fell Fund grant at DPIR. His research concentrates on global governance and survey methods. Through his work, he aims to find out how people want the world to be governed, and to help other scholars conduct better public opinion research. Before joining The Queen’s, he held postdoctoral fellowships at the universities of Lund and Maastricht.

Chenchao Lian

I completed my Bachelor's degrees in International Politics and Philosophy at Renmin University of China. After that, I obtained two Master's degrees from Peking University (International Relations) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (International History). 

Ebenezer Azamati

Azamati is a Radcliffe scholar in residence at University College, reading for the DPhil in International relations. His research interest spans Clausewitzian conceptions of war termination objectives, the interactions between ethics and realpolitik of states’ termination preferences, and the foundation of international orders.

Kan Li

My research interests are in international crises and conflicts, particularly in the role of asymmetric challengers in altering regional international status quo. 

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