Mikheil Kechaqmadze

I am a DPhil student in Politics at Linacre College, where I research issues related to domestic and international election observation in Russia and in the wider post-Soviet region. Specifically, my study aims to enhance the understanding of the causes and mechanisms of the contestation over domestic and international election observation between Russia and national non-governmental, intergovernmental and international nonprofit organisations and Western states.

Ashrakat Elshehawy

My research interests lie in Comparative Political Economy and Political Economy of Development. My methodological expertise lies in the field of Computational Social Sciences.




Python for Social Data Science

  • Course Convenor

  • Department of Politics and International Relations

  • University of Oxford

Quantitative Text Analysis

  • Course Convenor

  • Department of Politics and International Relations

Kofi Gunu

I am a DPhil candidate in International Relations, specialising in International Political Economy. My research focuses on macroeconomic policymaking in low and middle income countries, with particular interest in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Giuseppe Spatafora

Giuseppe Spatafora started his DPhil in International Relations at Oxford in 2019. His research interest lies in the area of international security, civil wars, and alliance theory. For his DPhil project, Giuseppe researches variation in external support for armed groups in a civil war: why do foreign actors choose to support warring parties? How does support vary, and why? And what consequences does it have for the evolution of the conflict and relations among armed actors and external sponsors?

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