Viviana Baraybar Hidalgo

I am a DPhil student in Politics at the Department of Politics and International Relations and a member of Nuffield College; I am also a Clarendon Scholar. I work on topics related to political behavior with a focus on corruption, and my dissertation broadly tackles the question of why people simultaneously condemn and engage in corruption.

Scott Singer

I am a PhD (DPhil) candidate in International Relations at Balliol College, University of Oxford. My doctoral research explores how emerging technology brings security issues from the national to the individual level, with implications for how public opinion will influence the development, deployment, and regulation of frontier artificial intelligence. My research is generously funded by the University of Oxford's Clarendon Scholarship and Balliol College's Marvin Bower Scholarship.

Yang Han

Yang (韩阳) is a third-year DPhil candidate in International Relations and Swire Scholar at St Antony’s College. Her doctoral research focuses on contemporary China-Africa relations, exploring China’s outlook on international hierarchies through its discourse on Africa with a particular focus on the intersections of race, class and gender. Yang’s research interests include China’s foreign policy, poststructuralist feminism, postcolonialism, international hierarchies, and critical security studies.

Alexandra Stafford

I am a DPhil student in International Relations, with interests in international organisations, international law, international criminal justice, transitional justice, and international order.

I completed my MPhil in International Relations in 2020; my MPhil thesis examined the processes of judicial and organisational innovation at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). My DPhil project builds on this research.

Jakob Schram

Jakob is a DPhil candidate researching ethnic civil wars, with a special emphasis on peripheral groups that dispute the state's sovereignty in borderlands. His project maps the interplay of bilateral diplomacy among neighbour states, on the one hand, and rebels' and governments' violent tactics, on the other.

Before beginning his doctorate in 2021, Jakob earned an MPhil (Distinction) in International Relations, also at Oxford, investigating the causal effect of petroleum discoveries on states' strategies in island disputes.

Virginia Consuelo Nizza

Virginia is a DPhil candidate in International Relations at Balliol College, University of Oxford. Her doctoral research focuses on the role of the technology private sector as a site of great power competition between the United States and China, addressing private firms' geopolitical postures, involvement in third countries' critical national infrastructures and agency in global Artificial Intelligence (AI) race dynamics.

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