The Last Best Hope

Reformed but not converted: Paolo Sarpi, the English mission in Venice and conceptions of religious change

Submitted by restapi on
Abstract Taking as its starting point the well-known English effort to ‘convert’ Venice to Protestantism in the wake of the Venetian Interdict controversy (1606–7), this article explores the ways in which early modern conceptions of conversion varied according to context. Drawing on evidence relating to Venice, England, Ireland and the Jesuit missions to China, it traces how divergent understandings of religious change shaped – and were shaped by – confessional controversy.

Literature and Political Thought: A Symposium

Hertford College invites you to a symposium on the connections between literature and political thought. The day will address a number of related themes: the civic value and limitations of literature; how political practices – from democracy to liberalism – condition or imperil certain forms of art; the role of the literary within political argument; the extent to which literature functions as a distinctive form of political thought.

Labour Market and Workplace Justice: Two-Day Workshop

July 14-15, 2022 - Centre for the Study of Social Justice, University of Oxford

July 14 - Lecture Theatre, Manor Road Building
12.30h Opening remarks
12.45h Stuart White (Oxford), "Workplace Democracy and Republican Freedom." Comment by Andrew Williams (ICREA & UPF). Chair: Jahel Queralt (UPF).
14h Coffee break
14.30h Grant Rozeboom (Saint Mary's College of California), "Against Managerial Moral Vigilantism." Comment by Iñigo González-Ricoy (UB). Chair: Chris Zhang (UPF).

Policing in patriarchy: An experimental evaluation of reforms to improve police responsiveness to women in India

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Gender-targeted police reforms are frequently proposed to tackle the global problem of rising yet under-reported gender-based violence (GBV)—but with mixed and often disappointing results. We explore this issue in India, a country with alarming rates of GBV and limited police capacity, by studying the impact of Women’s Help Desks (WHDs): dedicated spaces for women in local police stations, staffed by trained officers.
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