South China Sea Contemporary Issues Workshop

South China Sea: Contemporary Issues Workshop
Organised by the Asian Studies Centre, St Antony's College and The China Centre

“We welcome you to participate in a discussion of a set of issues that could not be more timely. What happens in the South China Sea could potentially have global ramifications. We very much look forward to a lively and fruitful exchange!” Prof Todd Hall

Full Programme
St Antony's College - Investcorp Lecture Theatre

8.30 Registration/ Coffee

8.45 Welcome from Prof. Faisal Devji

Where Great Powers Meet: America & China in Southeast Asia

In this lecture eminent China scholar David Shambaugh will discuss his new book  Where Great Powers Meet. Currently, the United States and China are engaged in a broad-gauged and global competition for power and influence. While this competition ranges across the entire world, it is centered in Asia — most notably in the critical sub-region of Southeast Asia.

Understanding Right-Wing Populism And What To Do About It

In light of the post-fascist victory of FdI in the Italian election one might think right-wing populism is again on the rise. And we have seen other recent successes. Viktor Orbán has entrenched his power in Hungary. Marine Le Pen secured the best result in the second round of the French presidential elections as of yet. And this month, the Swedish SD achieved their record result securing a right-wing majority.
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