Thomas Brailey

I am a DPhil in Politics student at the DPIR.

I was previously a MPhil student in Comparative Government at the DPIR. My thesis focused on:

  1. conceptualising non-state security actors, and;
  2. identifying the conditions under which states choose to outsource their coercive capabilities

I serve as a research assistant with the Department of Sociology, where I study the relationship between public and private violence, and with the Institute for Replication (I4R).

Haitong Du

I am a DPhil (PhD) student in International Relations at Balliol College, Oxford. My research concerns US foreign policy towards the People’s Republic of China during and after the Cold War. 

Human Development Report 2022 - Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives. Shaping Our Future in a Transforming World

We live in a world of worry. The ongoing Covid-19 pan­demic, having driven reversals in human development in almost every country, continues to spin off variants unpre­dictably. War in Ukraine and elsewhere has created more human suffering. Record-breaking temperatures, fires, storms and floods sound the alarm of planetary systems increasingly out of whack. Together, they are fuelling a cost-of-living crisis felt around the world, painting a pic­ture of uncertain times and unsettled lives.Uncertainty is not new, but its dimensions are taking om­inous new forms today.
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