Economics Research Jamboree 2023: Structural Transformation and Economic Growth (STEG)

0930 – 1000 Welcome

1000 – 1030 Lisa Martin “The food problem and structural transformation in a partially open economy”

1030 – 1100 Lidia Smitkova “Beyond the hump: structural change in an open economy”

1100 – 1130 Coffee break

1130 – 1200 Verena Wiedemann & Luke Heath Milsom “Structural Transformation over Space: Evidence from matched employee-employer data and firm supplier-buyer network data in Kenya.”

1200 – 1230 Florian Trouvain “Urban-Rural Differences in Human Capital Risk, and its Aggregate Implications for Developing Economies”

Economics Research Jamboree 2023: International Trade & Policy

International Trade Jamboree (hosted by Paola Conconi and Banu Demir)
0900 – 0930 Registration

0930 – 1015 Yuhei Miyauchi (BU) “A Unified Framework for Production Networks: Theory and Application to Ukraine’s War” with Alexey Makarin and Vasily Korovkin.
Discussant: Daniel M. Sturm (LSE)

1015 – 1100 Jose P. Vasquez (LSE) “The Gains from Foreign Investment in an Economy with Distortions” with Isabela Manelici and Roman D. Zarate.
Discussant: Kalina Manova (UCL)

1100 – 1115 Coffee break

Class, caste and gender in the Tamil Nadu countryside: OICSD Research Showcase

We're back with the OICSD Research Showcase, where our scholars and affiliates present cutting-edge, interdisciplinary work in the fields of health, economics, ecology and politics. The showcase will begin with a keynote lecture by Emeritus Professor of Economics Judith Heyer, who will discuss her extensive work on the impact of economic development on villages in western Tamil Nadu, India, from the 1970s onwards.

All are welcome.

Introduction & welcome | 5-5:05 PM

Class, caste and gender in the Tamil Nadu countryside | 5:05-5:45 pm

A framework for the unsupervised and semi-supervised analysis of visual frames

This article introduces to political science a framework to analyze the content of political visual material through unsupervised and semi-supervised methods. It details the implementation of a tool from the computer vision field, the Bag of Visual Words, for the definition and extraction of ``tokens'' that allow researchers to build an Image-Visual Word matrix which emulates the Document-Term matrix in text analysis. This reduction technique is the basis for several tools familiar to social scientists, such as topic models, that permit exploratory, and semi-supervised analysis of images.

What the world needs to learn from India's digital transformation

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) is about enabling a technology-led model for a nation’s growth that is collaborative, equitable, and democratises opportunity at population scale. It is based on a design strategy with layered building blocks, and an innovation ecosystem. Professor Ngaire Woods hosts Nandan Nilekani who will share the journey of India’s digital transformation using DPI.

Samaaj, Sarkaar, Bazaar: A citizen-first approach

In this workshop, author and philanthropist Rohini Nilekani will discuss why it is important for the state, market and society to work together to create an equitable society. Rohini will give an overview of the Samaaj-first philosophy, which has guided her civic involvement and personal philanthropy for the past three decades. Through illustrations and examples, she will nudge the audience to critically examine their role as citizens to explore how we can all be more active in creating a strong and just society.
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