Scott Williamson
Scott Williamson is Associate Professor in Comparative Political Economy at the Department of Politics and International Relations and a Tutorial Fellow at Magdalen College. His research focuses on popular politics and institutions in authoritarian regimes, support for democracy, attitudes toward foreign aid and migration, and the politics of the Middle East. Scott is also the PI of the UKRI-funded ERC Starting Grant Democratic Values and Authoritarian Legitimacy (DEVAL). Prior to joining Oxford, Scott was Assistant Professor of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University. His work has been published in journals including the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, and the British Journal of Political Science. He received his PhD in political science from Stanford University in 2020.

‘Respect the Process: The Public Cost of Unilateral Action in Comparative Perspective.’ Journal of Politics. Forthcoming. (With Jonathan Chu).
‘Executive Compliance with Parliamentary Powers under Authoritarianism: Evidence from Jordan.’ Governance. Online First. (With Marwa Shalaby).
‘Preaching Politics: How Politicization Undermines Religious Authority in the Middle East.’ British Journal of Political Science. 2023. (With A.Kadir Yildirim, Sharan Grewal, Mirjam Kuenkler).
‘Where’s the Money From? Attitudes toward Donor Countries and Foreign Aid in the Arab World.’ International Studies Quarterly. 2022. (With Renu Singh).
‘Did Egypt’s Post-Uprising Crime Wave Increase Support for Authoritarian Rule?’ Journal of Peace Research. 2022. (With Lisa Blaydes, Alexandra Blackman, Caroline Abadeer).
‘Elections, Legitimacy, and Compliance in Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from the Arab World.’ Democratization. 2021.
‘Family Matters: How Immigrant Histories Can Promote Inclusion.’ American Political Science Review. 2021. (With Claire Adida, Adeline Lo, Melina Platas, Lauren Prather, and Seth Werfel).
‘Attitudes toward Migrants in a Highly-Impacted Economy: Evidence from the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan.’ Comparative Political Studies. 2021. (With Ala’ Alrababa’h, Andrea Dillon, Dominik Hangartner, Jens Hainmueller, Jeremy Weinstein).
‘Legislatures and Policy Making in Authoritarian Regimes.’ Comparative Political Studies. 2020. (With Beatriz Magaloni).