Faye Shen Li Thijssen

I am a first-year MPhil student in Politics (Comparative Government) at Pembroke College, Oxford working under the supervision of Professor Robin Harding. My current research aims to better understand and examine potential relationships between indirect influences of corporate marketing on public opinion and broader systems of polarization, particularly within the context of environmentalism in advanced democracies.

Geoeconomic implications of the Japan-EU Relations – trade, digitalization and sustainability

The economic partnership agreement together with the subsequent strategic partnership agreement has laid the foundation for both width and depth in the EU-Japan relationship. Collaboration around the rules based world order is important for both parties in combination with facilitating frameworks for digitalization and a transition towards a green economy.

Deviant women: citizenship, political participation, and incarceration of the secular left in post-revolutionary Iran (1979-1990)

Biography: Rosa Rahimi recently completed her MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Oxford, where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar. Before Oxford, she earned a BA in Politics and International Relations from Trinity College, Cambridge.

The Ethics of Countering Disinformation: Navigating Normative Ideals in the Age of Fake News

Theories such as Habermas’ discourse ethics correspond well with our conception of the function of public discourse in democratic societies. However, many fail to recognise the theory’s normative character. It was never presented as a theory of what once was, is, or could ever become a reality. In this presentation, Alicia Fjällhed from Lund University presents the issues arising from this misconception, addressing the empirical limits of the ideal.

WRRS AND MENA POLITICS JOINT EVENT - Women and electoral politics in Iran and Turkey: Undemocratic structures and feminist resistance

Abstract: Advocates of women's rights have long demanded women’s greater access to political office, especially the national parliament, with hopes to influence policy making with feminist agendas. However, feminist activists’ focus on electoral politics has been mixed in autocratic and patriarchal contexts. While some research pointed to the role of critical actors in policy making who act as feminist insiders, others warned about the futility of such intentions in undemocratic contexts. Comparing Iran and Turkey in recent decades, Dr.

Kabuki music and compositions

Denjiro Tanaka VII and his associates will perform a selection of Kabuki music and his compositions. Denjiro plays the kotsuzumi (small hand drum) and Tatsuichiro Imafuji plays the shamisen (three-stringed traditional Japanese musical instrument) and other musical instruments. He will explain the various features of instruments and invite the audience onto the stage to try the musical instruments. The event will conclude with Q&A session.

Jennifer Lily Green

Jennifer is a DPhil student in Politics at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on environmental politics in non-democracies and elite blame avoidance in times of exogenous shocks. Prior to this, she obtained an MPhil in Russian and East European Studies at St Antony's College, University of Oxford and graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a dual undergraduate degree in Politics and Russian Studies.

During her Bachelor studies, she spent a year living in Moscow, studying at Moscow State University.

Juliet Paiva

During my MPhil in political theory, I plan to focus my research on the intersection of democratic theory and political epistemology. In other words, I hope to explore the most pressing epistemic questions in democratic life. I am particularly curious about the role of truth in democracy and intend to develop theoretical insights into the widely shared sense of urgency over the way that lies and misinformation are corroding public life today. Before coming to Oxford, I graduated from Columbia University, where I completed a double major in philosophy and political science. 

Konstantin Niewerth

Konstantin Niewerth is reading for an MPhil in European Politics and Societies in St. Antony's College. His main research interest is in immigrant political participation.

Before joining Oxford for his MPhil, Konstantin studied Classics at Durham University, with a focus on ancient philosophy and politics. Outside of Academia, Konstantin worked as a Campaign Organiser for the Green Party of England and Wales in the lead-up to the May 2023 local elections.

Konstantin speaks German and English.

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