Su Bai

I am a first-year MPhil candidate in International Relations at Somerville College, University of Oxford. My research interests center around China’s environmental diplomacy. I aim to investigate China's foreign policy approach to environmental politics and examine how this influences Beijing’s relations with developed and developing countries. My research is funded by the ESRC Grand Union DTP. 

Panel Discussion on Economic Diplomacy in a Multipolar World (Online)

Join us and our distinguished speakers for a panel discussion on how economic diplomacy is conducted in the 21st century! We will cover how and why China expanded its economic influence to rival US-led institutions; how partner countries on the African continent assess their economic cooperation with either superpower to date; and how the shifting geopolitical landscape redistributes bargaining power and impacts countries’ aims vis-à-vis economic diplomacy, including on the question of political values.

Grace Eggleston

Grace Eggleston is a first-year MPhil International Relations student and a member of St. Antony's College. Her research focuses on international finance and economic statecraft. Her academic interests include state-owned investment funds, foreign investment in post-conflict areas, and European politics.

After ChatGPT: What do we know about generative AI one year in?

Further to the publication of their report on the latest developments in AI in academic practice, the Centre for Teaching and Learning is hosting a webinar on Thursday 30 November (4pm-5.30pm).

The session will provide an overview of this fast-moving field and discuss key themes from the report, including developments in what generative AI can do, how we can get the most out of AI, and recent responses from the higher education sector around the world.

All staff and students at Oxford are invited to attend.

Imagining a Renewed United Nations

UN Security Council reform has been discussed for three decades but little has been done to make this principal organ more efficient and representative. The process has focused primarily on enlarging the membership and which countries can become new permanent members. Dr. Vesselin Popovski criticizes such an approach and recommends to aspiring members to abandon the entire idea of permanent membership and instead lead the UN General Assembly towards removing the major ‘cancer’ in the UN body – the veto power.

Philosophy, Disability and Social Change 4 (#PhiDisSocCh4)

Philosophy, Disability and Social Change 4 (#PhiDisSocCh4) comprises presentations by disabled philosophers whose cutting-edge research challenges members of the philosophical community to (1) think more critically about the metaphysical and epistemological status of disability; (2) closely examine how philosophy of disability is related to the tradition and discipline of philosophy; and (3) seriously consider how philosophy and philosophers contribute to the pervasive inequality and subordination that disabled people confront throughout society.

Blavatnik Book Talks: The Christian Right in Europe: Movements, Networks, and Denominations

What is the relationship between anti-democratic voices on the far-right and in pockets of European Christianity? The Alfred Landecker Programme is pleased to host the presentation of the ground-breaking book The Christian Right in Europe: Movements, Networks, and Denominations, edited by Gionathan Lo Mascolo. From LGBTQIA+ rights to abortion, traditionalism, and anti-Islamic sentiments, the book showcases the interwoven narratives and networks in over twenty European countries, providing a transnational perspective on the rise of the Christian Right in Europe.

Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods 2024

The Oxford Spring School 2024 is organised by the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford and consists of seven courses in quantitative and qualitative methods, both in-person and online.

Participants who choose to attend one of these courses will also be invited to attend additional research methodology classes along with the full Spring School cohort in the mornings:

The course options are:
Data Analysis for the Social Sciences, taught by Spyros Kosmidis (Oxford);
Machine Learning, taught by Tom Robinson (LSE);

Jonas Balkus

I am an MPhil in International Relations student and a member of Jesus College. My research focuses on Chinese foreign policy, in particular the ways in which the historically grounded narratives of 'the Century of National Humiliation' and 'National Rejuvenation' influence foreign policy. Relatedly, I am looking at the impact of the Boxer Rebellion, the Opium Wars, and similar events on the Chinese national psyche.

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