Moldova's Foreign Policy in a Shifting Geopolitical Landscape

Recean is an experienced politician who has held a number of senior positions in Moldova's government. He served as interior minister from 2012 to 2015 under two prime ministers, and was the first civilian to hold the post.

Recean spearheaded several important reforms, bringing Moldova closer to European Union standards. Before that, he was deputy minister for Information and Communication Technology.

The History of the EU: a conversation with Professor Dermot Hodson

Professor Hodson will talk about the history of the European Union and the European project. Based on his recently released book: Circle of Stars A history of the EU and the people who made it.

Marking 30 years since the creation of the EU this talk is bound to be interesting both to those who are interested in the past of the Union as well as the lessons to be learnt for the future.
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