Attitudes to Migration and Patterns of Discrimination: Findings from Japan, the UK, Colombia, and Peru

This event aims to present the differences in attitudes to migration and patterns of discrimination among receiving society members in Japan, the UK, Colombia, and Peru towards various migrant groups in those countries. Adam Komisarof will examine the diverging criteria for social acceptance in Japanese society towards immigrants from China, Western countries, and ethnic Japanese from South America, employing frameworks of national identity and social markers of acceptance. He will also detail how this approach may be applied in other country contexts.

How Does Earmarked Foreign Aid Affect Recipient-Country Ownership?

This paper analyses how earmarked funding affects recipient country ownership, a key aspect of the Aid Effectiveness agenda. Despite formal commitments to ownership by donor governments and multilateral institutions represented in the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), earmarked funding may undermine ownership. By strengthening accountability of international organizations to donor governments, this funding weakens the ownership of recipient countries in formulating policy objectives, using country-led results frameworks, and implementing aid through country systems.

“Public Concern for Reallocation Aid in the Presence of Alternative Donors

Scholars have long recognized the dual nature of bilateral foreign aid: on the one hand, foreign aid flows are justified with reference to how they will help achieve economic development goals in aid-receiving countries; on the other hand, the provision of foreign aid supports geostrategic objectives that go beyond sustainable economic development in poor countries. These mixed motives complicate the process of generating public support for foreign aid.

Simulation/Wargame: Indo‐Pacific Crisis, Insider Threat, & Cyber‐Space Escalation

Facilitators: US-UK Practitioners, TBA to Participants

Christopher Morris runs a weekly discussion group. Please be aware that group attendance may be limited. It is required to contact Christopher ( in advance for availability. Meetings will run both in person and online.

In person location: Mary Hyde Eccles Room, Pembroke College
Online: Microsoft Teams
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