'Rethinking Public Assets: Land and Capital'

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The way land and property perform within the UK economy is not well understood. For many commentators, the UK has a dysfunctional planning system and an immensely concentrated but opaque pattern of land ownership. Public dissatisfaction with both government and market-led responses to the housing crisis is mounting. This seminar will look at land and housing policy, expose underlying problems (such as the structural link between land and our financial system) and address the potential solutions, notably how to ensure a functional housing policy.

'Rethinking Public assets: Innovations in Money'

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Debates about money and wider monetary policy rarely make headlines – but times are changing. Recent events like the Scottish referendum and the election of Jeremy Corbyn, with his support for “people’s quantitative easing”, have got people talking about the purpose of monetary policy and the nature of money itself. This seminar will examine whether our monetary system is fit to meet the challenges of the future. 

Cyprus: Prospects for Reunification, Peace with Turkey and Regional Stability

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The accession of Cyprus to the EU in 2004 is the single most important strategic development in the country’s turbulent history since independence in 1960.  It affirmed Cyprus’s place in Europe and its importance in the security of the Eastern Mediterranean, therefore proving to be a win-win development, both for the Island and for the region.

New Paths to Capitalist Agricultural Production in Africa: Experiences of Ghanaian Pineapple Producer-Exporters

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Dr Lindsay Whitfield examines the emergence and trajectory of a new agro-industry in Ghana, the pineapple export industry, using the technological capabilities approach. It explains the limited expansion of the industry and its declining competitiveness in the face of new competition by looking at how Ghanaian exporters developed technological capabilities initially and the incentives and disincentives to building on those capabilities. 

European Competitiveness Challenges: The EU, Croatia and Beyond

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In exploring competitiveness, Governor of Croatian National Bank Boris Vujčić examines European productivity trends relative to the U.S. and Asia, as well as productivity catch-up and divergence across different European economies, including the newer EU states. In exploring diverging trends in productivity across Europe both pre and post EMU, Boris argues that any lasting solution to Europe's growth shortfalls can only be addressed via structural reforms. 

Indignation, Ideologies, and Armed Mobilization: Civil War in Italy, 1943–45

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Ideas shape human behavior in many circumstances, including those involving political violence. Yet they have usually been underplayed in studies of the causes of armed mobilization. Likewise, emotions have been overlooked in most analyses of intrastate conflict. A mixed-methods analysis of Italian resistance during the Fascist regime and the Nazi occupation (1943–45) provides the opportunity to theorize and analyze empirical evidence on the role of indignation and radical ideologies in the process of armed mobilization.

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