Geopolitics of Fear: South East Europe in a dangerous neighbourhood
SEESOX Seminar Series: South East European realities amid Europe’s multiple crises
The Making of a Constitution: Pakistan and the Question of Sovereignty
The constitution of a country is its 'Supreme National Institution.' Hence, the creation of a constitution is a central process in institution making in a country, as the incentives and disincentives provided in the constitution are critical for the political, economic and social progress of the country, as clearly shown by Douglass North and others. Further, while the constitution is the rule-making framework, the 'grundnorm' is the consensus through which such a framework emerges.
Challenging charisma: constructing grievance and the limits of legitimacy in post-Crimea Russia
Samuel Greene talks about outbreak of protests in Russia and political events after the annexation of Crimea. He focuses not only charisma of Mr. Putin but also the regime's response to protests.
Remittances and Social Spending
'The changing nature of reporting from a war zone'
Does Leadership in Peacekeeping Matter?
'Rethinking Public Assets: Managing Wealth'
The single largest holder of wealth in nearly every country is the state, and its citizens. Whether held as commercial assets in the form of land and real estate or as financial assets in sovereign wealth funds, the nature and extent of public wealth is often misunderstood. This seminar will demystify public capital and identify practical opportunities for improvements in its management and deployment.
Professor Sir Adam Roberts on “Scholarship and Government”
Alumni were invited to join the Department of Politics and International Relations for a one-day conference, ‘International Security: Scholarship and Practice’, on Saturday, 28 November.
The inaugural DPIR ‘In conversation’: Gideon Rachman and Mark Damazar
Alumni were invited to join the Department of Politics and International Relations for a one-day conference, ‘International Security: Scholarship and Practice’, on Saturday, 28 November.