Pathways toward a Jewish Israeli restorative ethics

In the same way that it is no longer possible to talk about antisemitism without also thinking about Israel/Palestine, it is no longer possible to imagine Jewish ethics outside the realities of Jewish power. My focus here is on when such thinking unfolds through a restorative justice prism or carries a restorative justice potential. At stake is not only a Jewish critique of Zionism, but also justice for Palestinians. The two issues are forever enmeshed.

Dear Palestine: A Social History of the 1948 War 

Dear Palestine: A Social History of the 1948 War by Shay Hazkani offers a new history of the 1948 war, based on personal letters of “ordinary” Jews and Arabs. The book also examines previously unexplored propaganda, disseminated by Israel and Arab states during the war. In so doing, Dear Palestine offers two narratives—the official and unofficial, the propaganda and the personal letters—to flesh out the fissures between sanctioned nationalism and individual identity.
Eurasia Review
TRT World
Der Spiegel
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