Nick Dickinson

I am a specialist in British and Commonwealth comparative politics, working primarily in the areas of parliamentary studies and public policy. My doctoral research focused on remuneration for political work, with an emphasis on the regulation of salaries and expenses of MPs in ‘Westminster’-style democracies. The project spanned themes of the economics of politics, the theory of independent regulation, as well as democratic accountability and the constitutional question of control of parliaments over their internal arrangements.

Ceren Lord

Ceren Lord is currently British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at DPIR. She was previously a Sasakawa Peace Foundation Postdoctoral Research Officer at the Middle East Studies Centre, the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA). She completed her PhD in May 2015 at the London School of Economics, Government Department, focusing on religious political mobilisation and the role of the state through the case study of the rise of political Islam in Turkey, with a comparative consideration of India, Malaysia and Ireland.

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