Singularity on the Battlefield? AI, US-China Competition, and the Future of Warfare

While the U.S. military possessed an early advantage in the technologies critical to information-age warfare, primacy in AI, likely integral in future warfare, could remain contested between the U.S. and China. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) anticipates that the advent of AI could fundamentally change the character of warfare, resulting in a transformation from today’s “informatized” ways of warfare to future “intelligentized” warfare, in which AI will be critical to military power. As the PLA competes with the U.S.

'Understanding West Africa’s Ebola Epidemic: Towards a Political Economy' (CIS Co-Sponsored Book Launch/ Panel Discussion)

*Abstract:* From 2013 to 2015, over 11,000 people across West Africa lost their lives to the deadliest outbreak of the Ebola virus in history. The human and political consequences were devastating and only now being understood.

*Dr Julia Amos*, the War and Peace at Oxford Research Network Coordinator and contributor to the book, who will speak about problems related to the militarization of the relief assistance

‘The Populist Explosion’: How the Great Recession Transformed American and European Politics (CIS, RAI and ESC Co-Sponsored Talk)

*Abstract:* What's happening in global politics, and is there a thread that ties it all together? As if overnight, many Democrats revolted and passionately backed a socialist named Bernie Sanders; the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, in a stunning rebuke; the vituperative billionaire Donald Trump became the presidential nominee of the Republican Party; and a slew of rebellious parties continued to win election after election in countries like Switzerland, Norway, Italy, Austria, and Greece.
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