DPIR BA Postdoctoral Fellowships Webinar

The DPIR BA Postdoctoral Fellowship webinar is aimed at those currently completing DPhils or in the early stages of their academic career

In the session, Simon Vitting (DPIR Research Manager) will cover the Fellowship scheme and application guidance, ahead of inviting Expressions of Interest in the summer. Late-stage DPhil candidates and early career colleagues are warmly encouraged to join, including those not currently affiliated with Oxford but considering joining the department for their postdoctoral projects.

European Elections 2024: Examining Digital and Far-Right Dynamics

Between 06 and 09 June, the elections for the European Parliament will be held for the tenth time. With over 350 million European Union citizens eligible to vote, the European elections are one of the largest democratic elections in the world. Over the past years, the EU has established itself as an important player in the regulation of digital technologies. Much is at stake during this election, as the continuing support for far-right parties is likely to move the Parliament’s composition substantially to the right.

Between subjective and objective construal: Pointing gestures as grounding elements

This contribution is situated at the crossroads between the paradigms of interactional and cognitive linguistics, from where it focuses on pointing (or deictic) gestures as a crucial semiotic resource for the multifaceted interpretation of a usage event. Accordingly, the overall objective of this paper is to demonstrate how pointing gestures may actively contribute to the multimodal realization of grammatical construct(ion)s.

Audio-Visual Speech Source Separation

In complex room settings, machine listening systems may experience a degradation in performance due to factors like room reverberations, background noise, and unwanted sounds. Concurrently, machine vision systems can suffer from issues like visual occlusions, insufficient lighting, and background clutter. Combining audio and visual data has the potential to overcome these limitations and enhance machine perception in complex audio-visual environments.

Small States at the heart of the EU: The case of Andorra

Very small states in continental Europe are not EU members yet have crafted successive strategies of close cooperation with the EU. Liechtenstein is a member of the EEA, and Andorra and San Marino have concluded comprehensive association agreements that will soon enter into force. Dr Minoves negotiated the 2004 agreements between Andorra and the EU and initiated a paragraph of the Lisbon treaty that created a juridical basis for specific agreements between the EU and small states (declaration 3 on article 8).

Nationalism and War

Nationalism has long been overlooked by scholars who study international relations or civil wars.

This talk highlights the crucial role of nationalism - the demand that states be ruled by representatives of the nation - in the political transformations of the world during the past 250 years and the wars between and within states that have accompanied this process. The talk also contains two short excursus that seek to understand the Ukraine war and the Gaza conflict from this global comparative and long-term historical perspective.
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