'Political actors and the manipulation of social media audience groups through the use of junk news and other forms of automation

Reuters Institute seminars “The business and practice of journalism”
The following seminars will be given at 2pm on Wednesdays, normally in the E.P. Abraham Lecture Theatre, Green Templeton College.
Convenor: Meera Selva

British Imperial Responsibility?: Reflections on disparate approaches to post-conflict reconciliation and transitional justice: Malaya, Cyprus, Kenya, and Northern Ireland

Violence Studies Oxford is bringing together scholars whose research concerns violence and its aftermath. Post-conflict reconciliation and transitional justice will be discussed and compared for the case studies of Malaya, Cyprus, Kenya and Northern Ireland.

State-Sponsored Hacktivism: Attributing Cyber Information Operations Using Hacktivist Personas

Hacktivism represents an important segment of the cyber threat landscape – independent, ideologically motivated activists that seek to advance their chosen causes and agenda through malicious cyber intrusions and attacks. Conventional hacktivism has, however, significantly declined in significance and effectiveness since the peak of the Anonymous movement in 2011.

Cyber Strategy: The Evolution of Cyber Power and Coercion

This project examines the changing character of cyber strategies in the digital domain. We develop a theory that cyber operations are a form of covert coercion typically seeking to send ambiguous signals or demonstrate resolve. Cyber Coercion from this perspective is neither as revolutionary nor as novel as it seems when evaluated with evidence. We examine cyber strategies in their varying forms through quantitative analysis, finding that cyber disruptions, short-term and long-term espionage, and degradation operations all usually fail to produce political concessions.

When does identity matter for policy change? A theory of descriptive and substantive representation

Why are some new policy demands represented, while others are not -- even if both have widespread support? For example, the US Democratic party made higher education affordability a major section of its 2016 platform, while work-family policies, like paid parental leave and child care, remain largely relegated to the sidelines. In this paper, I propose a theory of identity and representation which explains why some issues go largely unarticulated by political actors, even when large groups want change.

Panel discussion - Greek-Turkish tensions: Impending conflict?

Tensions have been growing between Greece and Turkey since the failed coup attempt in 2015. The eight Turkish soldiers who were accused of involvement in the coup attempt sought refuge in Greece. Despite the extradition demands of Turkey, Greek courts refused to hand over the soldiers claiming that there is sound evidence they might not get a fair trial. The antagonism recently escalated when Turkey jailed two Greek coastal guards accusing them of being spies. The countries are also at odds with each other over planned drilling for gas off the coast of Cyprus.
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