Day 2: International Conference - Global Gender: Pasts, Presents, Futures - Presents and Futures

*Day 2, Gender Presents and Futures*
Morning: O'Reilly Theatre, Keble College
Afternoon: Lecture Theatre, Ashmolean Museum

09:00-09:15 Registration
09:15-10:30 Raewyn Connell, University of Sydney
10:45-13:00 Session 3: Presents
This panel will discuss today’s highly polarised debates on gender and ask why the issue has become so central to contemporary global politics and culture.

Elzbieta Korolczuc (Stockholm and Warsaw) Co-author of Anti-gender Politics in the Populist Moment (2021)

Day 1: International Conference - Global Gender: Pasts, Presents, Futures - Gender Pasts

*Day 1, Gender Pasts*
All Day: Lecture Theatre, Ashmolean Museum

09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-09:45 Welcome and Introduction (Maria Misra)
09:45-12:15 Session 1: Global Pasts: The Colonial World
This panel will consider gender in pre-colonial Africa, Asia, and the Americas and the ongoing influence of colonial gender ideologies and practices

Mrinalini Sinha, (Michigan) Spectres of Mother India (2006)
Nwando Achebe (Michigan State) Female Monarch and Merchant Queens in Africa (2020)

Tomoko Okagaki

Tomoko Okagaki (Ph.D., The University of Michigan, 2005) is Professor of International Politics at Dokkyo University in Japan and author of The Logic of Conformity: Japan’s Entry in International Society (The University of Toronto Press, 2013) and Basis of International Politics: Foundational Concepts and Theories (Seizansha, 2021).

Scott Williamson

Scott Williamson is Associate Professor in Comparative Political Economy at the Department of Politics and International Relations and a Tutorial Fellow at Magdalen College. His research focuses on popular politics and institutions in authoritarian regimes, support for democracy, attitudes toward foreign aid and migration, and the politics of the Middle East. Scott is also the PI of the UKRI-funded ERC Starting Grant Democratic Values and Authoritarian Legitimacy (DEVAL). Prior to joining Oxford, Scott was Assistant Professor of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University.

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