'The Vietnamese Fight was our Fight': Anti-war Protest and Third Worldist solidarities

1. “Foreign Fronts? Vietnam and the Move to the Left in Cold War Uganda, 1964-1970,” by Adrian Browne (independent scholar) and Luke Melchiorre (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
2. “Senegal and the Vietnam War: Revisiting the 1960s," by Omar Gueye (Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal)
3. “Disentangling Decolonizations in Campus Activism: Africa in America, Vietnam in Africa,” by Andrew Ivaska (Concordia University, Canada)
Discussant: Jocelyn Alexander (University of Oxford)
Climate Social Science Network
Oxford Policy Engagement Network (OPEN) Seed Fund

Ian Seow Cheng Wei

I am a first-year Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) student in International Relations at the University of Oxford. My research interests focus broadly on China's foreign and security policies, Southeast Asian regionalism, and strategic and security affairs. Prior to coming to Oxford, I attained a Bachelor of Social Sciences (First Class Honours) in Public Policy and Global Affairs from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. I also worked as a research assistant at NTU and as a research intern at the S.


Laurence Deschamps-laporte

Laurence Deschamps-Laporte is the research director of the CÉRIUM (Montreal International Studies Centre) at l’Université de Montréal where is also an assistant professor of political science. Her research focuses on foreign policy, feminism, international relations as well as Middle East politics. 

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