Centre for Strategic and International Studies

The Economics of Mental Health

According to data from the OECD, nearly one every two people worldwide will be affected by a mental or neurological disorder at some point in their lives.

Poor mental health can have large and long-lasting negative consequences on, among others, human capital accumulation and labor market outcomes. It is therefore important to better understand the causes of mental disorders to design programs and interventions that best support the mental wellbeing of all. T

Singapore: New (and Old) Challenges for the Little Red Dot

Singapore is apt to be thought of as the proverbial “poisoned shrimp” – a seemingly tempting morsel, but with defences formidable enough to deter those nearby with predatory instincts. The conventional story of the build up of its security in this, the orthodox sense – military might combined with economic success – is well-known. In recent years, however, the leadership has had to confront newer challenges: terrorism, self-radicalisation, and, in recent years, threats relating to disinformation and foreign interference.

Changing the Climate of War: From Weather Modification to Biological Security

Christopher Morris runs a fortnightly discussion group. Please be aware that group attendance may be limited. It is required to contact Christopher (Christopher.Morris@politics.ox.ac.uk) in advance for availability. Meetings will run both in person and online.

In person location: Boyd Room, Hertford College
Online: Microsoft Teams
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