Limitations on fundamental freedoms in Sri Lanka: majoritarian influence of constitutional practice

Sri Lanka’s Constitution authorises the government to limit fundamental freedoms on the grounds of various public interests. In this seminar, we will examine how this limitation regime in Sri Lanka has become vulnerable to majoritarian influence. We will discuss a number of case studies that offer insights into Sri Lanka’s constitutional practice with respect to limitations on fundamental freedoms, such as the freedom of religion or belief and the freedom of expression.

Pakistan & India: Common Origins, Divergent Trajectories

What had been a relatively small gap in 1947 between Pakistan and India is turning into an ever widening chasm. Given the common origins of these two countries what essential differences led to the present situation? Or were the trajectories predetermined? After discussing historical similarities and differences, I will explore whether Pakistan can now choose a different future for itself.

Book Launch - War on the Ballot: How the Election Cycle Shapes Presidential Decision-Making in War

Join us for the launch of Andrew Payne's War on the Ballot: How the Election Cycle Shapes Presidential Decision-Making in War (Columbia UP, 2023).

The president of the United States is at once holder of the highest elected office and commander in chief of the armed forces. How do upcoming elections influence presidents’ behavior during wartime? How do presidents balance perceptions of the national interest with personal political interests?
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