
Louise Fawcett

BA, MPhil, DPhil

Professor of International Relations, DPIR
Fellow, St Catherine's College
A Director of the Oxford Martin School ‘Changing Global Orders’ programme
Senior Researcher
MPhil Course Director
International Relations Network
St Catherine's College
Office address
St Catherine's College, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UJ.

Louise Fawcett is Professor of International Relations and Fellow of St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford. She works on comparative regionalism and the international relations of developing countries, particularly the Middle East.

Publications include Iran and the Cold War (2009); Regionalism in World Politics (with Andrew Hurrell, 1995); The Third World Beyond the Cold War (2000, with Yezid Sayigh); Regionalism and Governance in the Americas (2005, with Monica Serrano); Interregionalism and the European Union (2015, with Mario Telò and Frederik Ponjaert); International Relations of the Middle East, (6th edn 2023).

Professor Fawcett is on the editorial board of International Affairs, the International Advisory Board of the UN University Centre for Regional Integration Studies, and the Academic Advisory Board of the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA). She is a director of the Oxford Martin Programme ‘Changing Global Order’.

In 2020 she was elected to the Belgian Royal Academy (Académie Royale de Belgique) as Associate Member.

Professional Activities

Editorial Board, International Affairs

International Advisory Board: UN University Centre for Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS)

International Advisory Board, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Member of Council, Wycombe Abbey School

Member of Governing Body and Chair of Education Committee, St Edward's School

Professional Responsibilities

Fellow, St Catherine's College


I contribute to the teaching of the MPhil and DPhil programmes in International Relations and have supervised many student theses on a variety of International Relations, International History and Middle East-based subjects. I occasionally contributed to undergraduate teaching and lectures in International Relations.

Louise Fawcett


Journal Articles


FAWCETT, L. (2025) “The changing regional faces of peace: towards a new multilateralism?”, Contemporary Security Policy [Preprint].


Fawcett, L. (2023) “The Iraq War 20 years on: towards a new regional architecture”, International Affairs, 99(2), pp. 567–585.


Fawcett, L. and Jagtiani, S. (2022) “Regional powers, global aspirations: lessons from India and Iran”, International Politics, 61(1), pp. 215–238.
Fawcett, L. and Payne, A. (2022) “Stuck on a hostile path? US policy towards Iran since the revolution”, Contemporary Politics, 29(1), pp. 1–21.


Fawcett, L. (2021) “Middle East and COVID-19: Time for collective action”, Globalisation and Health, 17(1).


Fawcett, L. (2018) “Virtual issue: The Middle East in International Affairs”, International Affairs, 98(3), pp. e20 - e30.
Fawcett, L. (2018) “Nuevos actores regionales y el cambiante equilibrio de poder en Oriente Medio (New regional actors and the changing balance of power in the Middle East)”, Revista AWRAQ, 15, pp. 7–20.


Fawcett, L. (2017) “MENA and the EU: contrasting approaches to region, power and order in a shared neighbourhood”, Contemporary Politics, 24(1), pp. 65–80.
Fawcett, L. (2017) “States and sovereignty in the Middle East: myths and realities”, International Affairs, 93(4), pp. 789–807.
Fawcett, L. (2017) “The Middle East in the International System. Improving Understand and breaking down the International Relations/Area Studies Divide”, Durham Middle East Papers, 78.


Fawcett, L. (2015) “Iran and the regionalisation of insecurity”, International Politics [Preprint].


FAWCETT, L. (2013) “The Iraq War ten years on: assessing the fallout”, International Affairs, 89(2), pp. 325–343.


Fawcett, L. (2012) “Between West and non-West: Latin American Contributions to International Thought”, International History Review, 34, p. 1.


Fawcett, L. and Gandois, H. (2010) “Regionalism in Africa and the Middle East: Implications for EU Studies”, European Integration, 32(6), pp. 617–636.


Fawcett, L. (2008) “Neither Traditional nor Modern: Constitutionalism in the Ottoman Empire and its Successor States”, Journal of Modern European History, 6(1), pp. 116–136.



FAWCETT, L. (2019) International Relations of the Middle East fifth edition 2019. Edited by L. FAWCETT. Oxford University Press.


Telò, M., Fawcett, L. and Ponjaert, F. (2016) Interregionalism and the European Union A Post-Revisionist Approach to Europe’s Place in a Changing World. Routledge.
Fawcett, L. (2016) International Relations of the Middle East. Oxford University Press.



FAWCETT, L. (ed.) (2023) “International Relations of the Middle East”. Oxford University Press.



FAWCETT, L. (2025) “The Middle East and International Relations: history lessons not learned”, in A. Ansari and T. Dodge (eds.) Charles Tripp and the Comparative Politics of the Middle East. Cambridge University Press.
FAWCETT, L. (2025) “The Middle East and International Relations: history lessons not learned”, in A. Ansari, T. Dodge, and D. Neep (eds.) Charles Tripp and the Comparative Politics of the Middle East. Cambridge University Press.


FAWCETT, L. (2020) “Regionalism in the Middle East and North Africa”, in R. Hinnebusch and Y. Ghani (eds.) The Routledge Handbook to the Middle East and North African State and States System. Routledge, pp. 297–311.


FAWCETT, L. (2018) “Regional organisations”, in P. Williams and M. McDonald (eds.) Security Studies: An Introduction. Routledge.


FAWCETT, L. (2017) “From the Great War to the Second World War”, in R. Devetak, J. George, and S. Percy (eds.) An Introduction to International Relations. Cambridge University Press.


Fawcett, L. (2016) “Regions and regionalism”, in M. Beeson and N. Bisley (eds.) Issues in 21st Century World Politics. Red Globe Press, pp. 97–112.
Fawcett, L. (2016) “Region building debates in a global context”, in D. Levine and D. Nagar (eds.) Region-Building in Africa: Political and Economic Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan US, pp. 21–36.


FAWCETT, L. (2015) “Regionalism by emulation. Considerations across time and space”, in M. Telo, F. Ponjaert, and L. FAWCETT (eds.) Interregionalism and the European Union. Ashgate.
FAWCETT, L. (2015) “Drivers of regional integration: Historical and comparative perspectives”, in Drivers of Integration and Regionalism in Europe and Asia Comparative perspectives. Routledge.
FAWCETT, L. (2015) “Regionalism: From concept to contemporary practice”, in M. Aznar and M. Footer (eds.) Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law IV. Bloomsbury, Hart Publishing.


Fawcett, L. (2011) “The Middle East after Empire: Sovereignty and Institutions”, in S. Cummings and R. Hinnebusch (eds.) Sovereignty After Empire: Comparing the Middle East and Central Asia. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 157–177.
Fawcett, L. (2011) “Regional leadership? Understanding Power and transformation in the Middle East”, in N. Godehardt and D. Nabers (eds.) Regional Powers and Regional Orders. Routledge, pp. 155–172.
Fawcett, L. (no date) “Early internationalists: Bello, Calvo and Álvarez and beyond”, in A. Chehtman, S. Puig, and A. Huneeus (eds.) Latin American International Law. Oxford University Press.

Co-investigated research