
Life After DPIR - Dr Malcolm Ball

Alumni 1966, Ruskin College


My experience of Ruskin College (1966-68) following the NUM/Sheffield University three-year day release course arguably shaped my subsequent life. I had left school at fifteen (December 1958) with no educational awards. I started with the NCB as a mechanical apprentice with day release at a local college. During my time with the NCB I was active with my local Labour Party and became branch secretary and I became secretary of the NUM Area Youth Committee.

In addition to my studies, at Ruskin, which led to the ‘Diploma’, I enjoyed my period in Oxford. I held office in the College Student’s Association and we organised a successful ‘teach-in’ and march against ‘racism’. I was a member of the college football team which played other Oxford Colleges. I helped create a philosophy society. I attended debates at the Oxford Union. I recall Tariq Ali debating with Stephen Marks. I also recall a concert in the Oxford Union with Ewan McColl and Peggy Seger. Finally I was one of several students ejected from a “Brains Trust on Rhodesia”   for chanting “No brains-No trust”. The meeting was held in the Assembly Rooms at Oxford Town Hall with John Biggs-Davidson as the speaker.

Following Ruskin, with the aid of the Diploma, I studied at Hull University and was awarded a BA, (Hons) in Sociology. I completed postgraduate study for the MA in Political Sociology. Informed by my experience as a residential adult student, I was provided with insights which supported me as a Regional Officer for the TUC Education Service for twenty-five years, and with the Northern College. I was fortunate to be invited to join the ‘Steering Committee’ which founded The Northern College in 1978. I was a member of the management Committee for 38 years and for the final 12 years I was Chairman of the Board. I co-edited with William Hampton the book ‘The Northern College: Twenty-five years of adult education’, published in 2004 by NIACE. In December 2000 I was awarded my Ph.D. by Leeds Metropolitan University for my thesis on Trade Union Education.