
Election Insights: Professor Jane Green helps explain the complexities of the upcoming UK General Election

Jane Green – Professor of Political Science and British Politics – appears as an Election Analyst regularly for ITV News, and as such she is involved in a great number of media engagements in the lead up to the next UK general election. 

Professor Green is preparing short film ‘explainers’ – the first of which was released on ITVX – Election Matters: Do General Election campaigns actually influence the result? In it, she explores why political campaigns seldom decide elections, and what helps people determine how they will vote. She has also collaborated with the ITV News National Editor, Paul Brand, to create four short films, the first of which is available to watch now: The Fight for 24: The Path to Power . It includes analysis by the BES team and uses polling averages to help people understand more about the general election. (This is the first of four films).

Professor Green has also contributed to a new BBC Radio Four podcast series ‘Understand: The UK election’ which began on Monday (June 10) and runs at 1.45pm every weekday for the next two weeks, presented by Adam Fleming. She features in the following episodes:

Jane is Director of the Nuffield Politics Research Centre, Co-Director of the British Election Study (BES) and President of the British Polling Council (BPC). In her role at the BES, she has helped create four short pre-election informative films to help people understand more about topics such as Brexit and Vote ChoiceElectoral VolatilityCompetence Shocks, Reputation and Trust.