How to apply for OxPo funding

​​​​​​OxPo funding is open to collaborative projects between faculty and PhD students of Sciences Po and Oxford University (DPIR, History, Social Policy and Intervention and Sociology).

To apply, email the OxPo academic coordinator Florence Faucher

Applications must include:

  • an outline of the research project/event/ collaboration
  • a short cv or biographical sketch of the participants
  • a budget

For more information, please email Florence Faucher with details of your collaborative project (research programme, workshop, conference etc).

OxPo Past Projects

  • Past Projects
    • French Politics
      David Goldey and Pascal Perrineau, in association with Andrew Knapp
    • Sequence Modelling of Everyday Activities. 2008-2011.
      Laurent Lesnard and Man Yee Kan
    • The Politics of Inequalities
      Nonna Mayer and Nancy Bermeo
    • Citizens Talking about Europe. French, British and Belgian Citizens in Political Discussion
      Sophie Duchesne, Liz Frazer, André-Paul Frognier and Florence Haegel
    • Comparative Analysis of Elites. 2008-2011.
      Jean-Pascal Daloz and Sudhir Hazareesingh
    • The Dualisation of European Societies. 2008-2010.
      Bruno Palier and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser
    • Echoes of Imperialism. 2009-2010.
      Kalypso Nicolaidis and Berny Sèbe
    • The European Union in International Security
      Christopher Bickerton and Bastien Hirondelle
    • Europe's Muslim Neighbourhoods
      Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Kerem Öktem and Sonia Tebbakh
    • Extra European Contributions to the Making of the Modern Political World
      Romain Bertrand and John Darwin
    • The French-British Foreign Policy Observatory
      Karoline Postel-Vinay and Kalypso Nicolaïdis
    • The Labour Market Integration of Immigrants in the UK and France: A Longitudinal Approach. 2009-2010.
      Christel Kesler and Mirna Safi
    • Legislatures in Europe. 2009-2010.
      Olivier Rozenberg and Katrin Auel
    • Memory and Democracy in Europe. 2006-2009.
      Marie-Claire Lavabre and Robert Gildea
    • Policy Instruments, Instrumentation and Policy Changes
      Pierre Lascoumes and Patrick Le Galès, with Christopher Hood and Des King
    • Rethinking Europe in a Non-European World (RENEW)
      Franziska Brantner, Andrew Hurrell, Hartmut Mayer, Kalypso Nicolaïdis and Karoline Postel-Vinay
    • Sociological and Political Foundations of National Identity: Great Britain from a Comparative Perspective
      Sophie Duchesne and Anthony Heath
    • The Moral Economies of Political Belonging in the Non-Western World. 2007-2009.
      Coordination: Romain Bertrand and David Anderson
  • Graduate Conference

    A graduate seminar or conference is held every year in link with one of the existing programmes.

    Previous graduate conferences:

    2015: Migrations Joint Doctoral Seminar
    23rd June, 2015 at Oxford
    Coordinated by Gwen Sasse and Mirna Safi

    2014: Crossing Borders: Immigration, Race and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspectives
    19th-24th June, 2014 at Sciences Po.
    Organisers: Mirna Safi and Adrian Favell.
    Oxford participants: Gwen Sasse, Nicole Martin, Gerda Hooijer


    • 'Sciences Po Graduate Political Theory Conference'
    • 'Theseus Doctoral Workshop 2013, The EU and the Global Crisis: Challenges to EU Governance, Policy Responses and the Legitimacy Gap'
    • Graduate conference: 'Histoire de l'Europe du XXe siècle. Continuités et ruptures

    2012: Around and Beyond the BRICS
    17th May, 2012 at Oxford
    Coordinators: Professors Andrew Hurrell, Zaki Laidi and Karoline Postel-Vinay

    2011: The Dynamics of Politics and Inequalities
    25th-26th May, 2011 at Sciences Po
    Coordinators: Louis Chauvel, Nonna Mayer, and Marie Duru-Bellat from Sciences Po;
    Tak Wing Chan and Nancy Bermeo from Oxford.

  • The State in Europe

    This is the longest existing programme of OxPo. It was launched at the French Political Science Association (AFSP) Congress in 2007. Coordinated by Patrick Le Galès and Desmond King, it focuses on the transformation of the state in Europe. Over the years, this programme has led to several conferences and workshops, co-taught classes in both institutions, as well as a number of co-authored and co-edited publications. 

  • Beyond the BRICs metaphor. Making Sense of Non-Western Power

    This long standing programme, coordinated by Andrew Hurrell & Karoline Postel-Vinay, focused on the BRICs metaphor. Over the years, it has organised a couple of joint graduate seminars and conferences, and is also the basis for on-going collaboration between partners at the CERI and the DPIR.

  • Migrations

    Gwen Sasse (Nuffield College, Oxford), Mirna Safi (Sciences Po, OSC) and Adrian Favell (Sciences Po, CEE) are developing new collaborations on the question of migrations. A first graduate conference was held in Paris in June 2015. A workshop was organised in Oxford during Trinity 2015.

  • Political Parties

    Stephen Whitefield and Jan Rovny launched a new programme on party competition. They planned series of workshops to engage with the growing focus in research on issue salience and issue ownership. Two workshops were held in 2015-16, in Paris and Oxford. 

  • Broken Constitutions

    Nicolas Rousselier and Scot Peterson set up a new programme looking comparatively at constitutions. A first workshop was organised in Trinity 2015.

  • African Politics

    Following the Visiting Professorships to Sciences Po of Nic Cheeseman (2011) and Ricardo Soares de Oliveira (2012), and the appointment of Richard Banegas in Sciences Po, regular collaboration between Africanists from Sciences Po and Oxford took shape. A Global Seminar ran for the first time in 2014.

    Recent publication by Ricardo Soares de Oliveira: Magnificent and Beggar Land Angola since the Civil War, Hurst, 2015

  • Political Theory

    OXPO has supported the Sciences Po Graduate Conference in Political Theory since 2013.