• Further particulars for the five OxPo visiting schemes

    The OxPo exchange scheme is open to:

    • doctoral students from the four partner departments in Oxford

    • doctoral students from the School of Research in Sciences Po

    • early career researchers who have recently defended their PhD at the School of Research in Sciences Po

    • permanent academic faculty from the four partner departments in Oxford

    • Sciences Po faculty.

  • Criteria

    OxPo Scientific Management Committee’s priorities

    1. Excellence of the candidate.

    2. Fit between the project and the ability of the scholar to fulfil his/her project in either Oxford or Paris and to benefit from the academic environment to be joined. For instance stay in Oxford because of the resources and the prospect of working with other, identified if possible, scholars rather than a need to spend time exploring resources located in a different city.

    3. Benefit for the OxPo network in building further institutional connections and new collaborations as well as benefit for the individual scholar's research/career.

    4. People who have not taken part in the exchange before have priority, unless there are special circumstances such as the best opportunity to complete a project or the development of a new collaboration or programme.


  • Applications from academic faculty

    All applications for an exchange in the academic year 2022-23 must be written in English, submitted by 14 March 2022 and sent as one single Word document to oxpo@politics.ox.ac.uk.

    Applications must include:

    • one short CV (maximum length: two A4 pages)

    • one letter of motivation (maximum length: two A4 pages), highlighting:

      • the research project or purpose of the application to the exchange scheme, i.e. how the exchange will further their research plans and, in the case of academics, future collaborations

      • the academics you intend to work with in Oxford or in Sciences Po

      • the Sciences Po Research Centre or the Oxford Department (DPIR, Sociology, SPI, OCEH) you feel you would best fit in

      • the planned dates of your stay (if you are applying from Oxford to Sciences Po or if you are a Sciences Po academic applying to Nuffield).

  • Applications from PhD students and postdoctoral candidates

    All applications for an exchange in the academic year 2022-23 must be written in English, submitted by 14 March 2022 and sent as one single Word document to oxpo@politics.ox.ac.uk.

    Applications must include:

    • one short CV (maximum length: two A4 pages)

    • one letter of motivation (maximum length: two A4 pages), highlighting:

      • the research project or purpose of the application to the exchange scheme, i.e. how the exchange will further their research plans and, in the case of academics, future collaborations

      • the academics you intend to work with in Oxford or in Sciences Po

      • the Sciences Po Research Centre or the Oxford Department (DPIR, Sociology, SPI, OCEH) you feel you would best fit in

      • the planned dates of your stay (if you are applying from Oxford to Sciences Po or if you are a Sciences Po academic applying to Nuffield).

    Applications from PhD students and postdoctoral candidates must also include:

    • an application form

    • a letter of recommendation from your PhD supervisor

    • if you are applying for the postdoctoral fellowship and grant, please indicate the date of your PhD defense (as requested in the form). The PhD must be defended prior to going to Oxford.

      Please check the further particulars relative to the visa requirements to either France or the UK.