Zeynep Pamuk
Zeynep Pamuk is Associate Professor of Contemporary Political Theory and Professorial Fellow at Nuffield College.
She holds a PhD in political science from Harvard and a BA in ethics, politics & economics from Yale. Before joining Oxford, she was Assistant Professor in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics and the Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego.
Her research interests are in democratic theory, the role of expertise in politics, and the impact of artificial intelligence and automation on democracy. Her first book, Politics and Expertise: How to Use Science in a Democratic Society (Princeton, 2021), examines the relationship between science and democracy, from the funding of scientific research to its use in decision making and its applications in new technologies. It has received the American Political Science Association's Foundations of Political Theory Section First Book Award.

"Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Judgment," Ethics & International Affairs, 2023
"The Promises and Perils of Predictive Politics," European Journal of Political Theory, online first, 2022.
"COVID-19 and the Paradox of Scientific Advice," Perspectives on Politics, 2022.
"Risk and Fear: Restricting Science under Uncertainty," Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2021.
"What Follows from the Problem of Ignorance?" Critical Review, 2020.
“The People vs. the Experts: A Productive Struggle?” in the Critical Exchange “Beyond Populism and Technocracy,” Contemporary Political Theory, 2020.
"Justifying Public Funding for Science" British Journal of Political Science, 2019.
Politics and Expertise: How to Use Science in a Democratic Society, Princeton University Press, 2021
Winner of the American Political Science Association Foundations of Political Theory Section First Book Award, 2022
Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics, Contemporary Political Theory, Review of Politics, Political Science Review, LSE Review of Books, Issues in Science and Technology, Revue de Metaphysique et de Moral, Democracy Paradox
Translated into Greek (Crete University Press, 2023) and Turkish (Bilge Kültür Sanat, 2023)